Hard to Get Types.

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(Valentine's Day)

Cally's pov:- Couples are one of the main reasons why I hate relationships. The public display of affection that the couples do is just to gross.

Like please keep each other's tongues out of your throat. 

Anyway our cafe was super full today but I took a leave cause I wasn't feeling to well.

Also today being the Valentine's Day, people will go super crazy which I wanted to avoid .

But one of the main reasons why I hate relationships is cause my last relationship never went to well and It's really hard to live in this society because my parents they would keep on nagging me to get married all the time.

So to avoid my boring  life, I decided to go grocery shopping.

I went through all the sections and collected my necessary items and I headed towards the cashier to checkout.

There was a huge line.

I saw many people buying different types of flowers, chocolates and soon she called me up.

She started scanning my items and I looked over my shoulder and saw a man talking to a woman who was holding a baby.

The man's face was structured nicely .
His chiseled jaw making him more handsome.

He had black hair which were combed nicely and brown eyes with hint of grey. He was pretty tall and wore a 3 piece Armani suit.

I didn't know how long I was staring at him but when he looked right at me I had to look away.

I was embarrassed again.

What would he think of me?

I did not even know him but something about him was attracting me towards him.

He is a man and all they know is to break hearts and leave you alone to suffer.

When I turned to the cashier she gave me a look which I did not recognise .

"59pounds" she said as I took out my credit card and gave it to her for paying.

"Thank You,have a lovely day", she said as she handed me all the bags and my card back.

I Took all the bags and tried fitting them in my hands.

I nodded and stepped out of the way.

I looked back at the same guy and I found him staring at me.

I looked away and walked out of the store with all the bags which were blocking my view. I tried peeking from the side and wondered how am I gonna take all these home.

It started getting dark already and it was only 7pm and it's also really cold.

"Ugh"  I forgot to get my jacket.

I walked further with all the groceries in my hand.

Suddenly someone bumped into me causing all the groceries to fall.

"Shit", I muttered under my breath and started picking everything up.

Suddenly someone bent down and started helping me.

I looked up and saw a middle aged woman helping me out.

I politely thanked Her and collected all my groceries and went home.

When I reached home my roommate "aka" my best friend Marie told me to get ready.

Yes I know, what you might be thinking how come we started living together right?

Well the thing is,  Marie gave her house to her brother John so  that he could live in it with his boyfriend.

And she was not comfortable living with them and intruding in their lives so she decided to live with me.

Coming out of my reverie,  I asked her : 

"Get ready?For what?"

"For dinner she said."

"What dinner?"

"With handsome young Man as-"

she started and my eyes widened.

"Handsome young what?" I looked at her in disbelief.

"-your date,"she finished her sentence.

"A date?"I shouted and she looked at me with puppy eyes.


Hey there, sorry for the delay but here's another chapter I hope you loved it.

So what do u think think will Cally agree to this surprise date or will Marie have to convince her.

"oo" it's getting interesting and what do you  think of the supermarket guy -"isn't he hot"?

please don't forget to vote and like my book.

love you  all.

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