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Warning: This chapter may contain some violence and triggering moments. Read at your own risk. Not for audience below 16years of age. You are warned!!

Cally's Pov: It was the day after my sister left and apparently I was getting ready to go with her to our family lawyer's office.

I still can't believe the fact my parents are no more.
The fact still hurts me terribly and I know that the pain won't go away for many years to come.

However, there was this little satisfaction that I was not in this alone.

I knew that I had this looming past over my head and I could not share this info with anyone because what last night occurred could not be repeated and I have to make sure to keep my siblings safe.

I might have lost my parents but i won't let anything happen to them. With that thought I got ready to go outside and pick my sister up not before locking the house. But just as I was about to step out I saw an unknown envelope with a letter just like yesterday kept at my doorstep and that's when the memories of last night bombarded my head and I started sweating and panicking.

Last night's flash back: As soon as my sister left after kissing me. I said goodbye to her and went to close my door.
But just as I was about to close the door I saw a black envelope with a letter kept at my doorstep.
I was lucky my sister did not see it otherwise she would have questioned me like hell.
So picking the envelope up I found it a little strange because there was no name or address given on the envelope from whom the letter had come.
Anyways keeping the thought aside, I decided to open the envelope and take the letter out.
On opening the letter I was shocked and started sweating and looking around my house coming outside.


These were the exact words written in the letter. It looked like the words were written in blood because there was fresh blood marks on the letter with no name given.

I started sweating and panicking and the letter fell from my hands.
I did not realise when I had started crying so I quickly scrambled up the letter from the floor seeing around frantically that noone was seeing her.
I started chanting to myself repeatedly "no" I have to save my siblings even if it meant getting myself killed, I won't let anything happen to them.
So I closed my door and putting my head against it started crying eventually falling down on my knees.

I knew whom the letter was from and I needed no name. But what I did not understand why he was after my family even after my parents death.

So I picked myself up and said "no" I have to be strong for my remaining family. I won't let that monster take my family away.

With that thought In my mind I dragged myself throughout the day.

Present: Picking the letter up with my shaky hands I tore open the letter.

This time the envelope was yellow coloured and inside the letter it was again written in Bold letters "THE TIME HAS COME"

At first I did not understand what it meant but in my panicky state my brain was not functioning properly too so ignoring his warning I threw the letter in the dustbin and got ready to leave and pick my sister.

I went inside my black open Jeep and drove off. The drive from my house to my sisters was not to far maybe about 15-20 minutes.
So I reached her house and honked for her to inform that I had arrived.

My sister came outside her house. She was looking radient as ever in her blue floral top with faded jeans and vans.
Although it was a simple outfit she looked prettier than me. At least that's what I thought because since childhood I had this complex about myself which I could not seem to shed and after that incident it grew more.
So keeping my thoughts aside I opened the passenger door for her once she reached the door.

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