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"Make it rain ,  Make it rain,Make it rainn oh ya..." by Ed shereen.
Cally's Pov: This song which is actually my favourite played at  full volume as my alarm.

Apparently, I live alone but I am planning  on getting a suitable roommate soon as living alone certainly gets very boring.

So making it my first priority,  I decided to put up a poster for my requirement on the notice polls before going  Job Hunting.

After getting up from the  bed, I switched off my alarm and checked the time which was "7:00 am" to be exact which meant I had exactly 1 hour to get ready, eat my breakfast and get to new places for a suitable job.

I dragged my sleepy legs into the washroom, did my business and came back looking for a suitable outfit in my walk in closet.

After a lot of pondering, I decided to wear a peach and red floral knee length dress along with a denim jacket.

I washed my hair with my favourite lilac shampoo, dried my hair and decided to leave it in natural curls.

After bathing, I did my makeup that is -red lipstick and black eyeliner.

Then I wore my red heels, put my phone in my sling bag and headed out in my "Camry"

Thats how  I began my hunt  for a job.

After 2 hours of driving, I was getting frustated now on not being  able to find a job.

It was always one excuse or the other.

Either the office conditions were  not good, pay was less, job too risky etc.

It was going to be noon soon  and yet I was not able to find a suitable job.

I never knew job hunting could be that  tough.

Moreover, all the jobs that I had looked into were not meeting my requirement and on top of it all- the weather also decided  to not  co-operate with me  and it looked like it was about to rain.

As much as I loved rain, I was wishing for it to  not pour right now since I did not carry a umbrella with me and I so wanted to find a job  without ruining my outfit.

But it seemed all my efforts were fruitless and by now  loud thunder had  started to rumble.

So I decided to head back home disappointed.

Just  as I was on my way back home,  I found this beautiful yet elegant cafe named "THE MUSICAL CAFE" which was a little rustic and old for my liking but it attracted my eye immediately and somehow made me pull towards it like an invisible magnet.

It looked as if  the cafe was calling me out  to come and check it out.

And somehow my legs were making me move towards the cafe unknowingly.

  I did not even  realise when  I was standing  outside the door of the cafe.

I decided to try my luck and  go inside the cafe.

When I went inside  this cafe, I was mesmerised to  see the decor and the interiors of the cafe.

Coming out of my reverie, I turned towards the main counter and told the waitress whose name I saw on the name tag as "Linda" that I wanted to meet the owner  of this cafe.

At first she got startled and thought I was here to complain , so she refused to let me meet the owner.

But later on when I explained to her my predicament and my  purpose of coming here , she smiled at me, and apologised for her behaviour as well.

She then  told me to follow her and allowed me a chance to meet the owner by bringing me to her office after knocking on the door.

After hearing "Come in" Linda opened the door for me to  let me in.

When I entered I saw that The owner of this cafe was a middle aged woman named "Suze" who was sitting elegantly on her office chair and working.

When she saw me enter, she asked me -
" How I can I help you dear?

I told her My name was Cally, I was here to get a job and told her all the other necessary details  about me.

Hearing about me and my requirement for a job,  she told me to sit down and tell her more about me and why I wanted this job.

One thing I noticed before I could start was  that Linda had  bowed to her boss and left us alone closing the door behind.

So I started telling her everything about me and my Passion for Music and helping people.

After hearing everything about me she said 

"Hmm" interesting.

She decided to interview me further by asking a lot of other questions which I answered truthfully.

After the  interview, it looked like she was properly convinced because the next thing I heard from her was her  telling me that I got  a job as the "Head Waitress" and told me to join from tomorrow at exact "8:00 am" because the customers started filling in at "8:30am".

I became really happy and thanked Suze for being soo generous and also promised her to reach on time.

Although the cafe was 1/2 hour away from my place but it was completely worth it.

Finally, I was so relieved to find a job of my dreams  that included both Music  as well as helping people with a smile.

So with a big smile upon my face I decided to head back home and tell my parents on phone about the good news and to also invite them over to  my place for dinner.

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'Lots of Love'

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