"Unforgettable Wedding"

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6 weeks Before....

Liam's Pov:  Finally I was  back home to my parents house where I had brought Marie along with me to meet our parents , my mom was excited as usual but dad was a bit apprehensive considering Damien was yet to marry, however we got news on the phone  immediately that Damien had proposed to Cally and  after the proposal Damien was bringing Cally straight to their house to meet our parents. 

Our parents as usual were so happy and excited that finally their elder son was getting settled in. They gave their blessings to Cally , however an idea popped up that instead of one wedding why not be it two. 

I  got confused and asked "Mom what are you implying?"

"My mom hit me on the head and said look at Marie and when I  looked at her I saw her to be blushing, I  got more confused but just like a bulb got on in my head I  understood what mom was implying. "

I ran suddenly towards my room at full speed Marie shouting for me from behind, but before she could enter my room, I  closed the door and took out the box that I had hidden in the drawer beside the bed and kept it in my pocket.

"Look I  know it's early, we don't need to rush it--Marie was saying but before she could finish her sentence, I  fell down on my knees and took Marie's hands

"Marie you are the love of my life- You have given me a reason to live and change my playboy look. I cannot bear to see anyone but you besides my side. I  know it has not been a long time but will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and the mother of my children?"

"I  looked up to see Marie crying with a hand over her mouth and laughing at the same time listening to  my speech." 

She did not say  anything for a long time like she was lost for words. So, I  lost hope and thought she needed more time and when I was about to stand up Marie jumped into my arms making me fall on the floor and said "Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes" 

"I don't care how long it has been, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART LIAM KNIGHT " and I would love to be your wife and mother of your children she said to me blushing. 

I held her in my arms and spun her around then put her on the floor, and put the ring onto her fingers, kissing her hands gently. 

Just as we finished, there were loud clapping and wolf whistles and we turned around to see my parents teary eyed along with a smirking Damien and a teary eyed Cally.

Cally then ran towards Marie and engulfed her in a big hug. "I can't believe we are getting married together, she said to her squealing in happiness."

"This is Karma bitch, you wanted me as your sister in law and see here we go you are still my sister in law but the other way round, and they both started laughing together.

And that's how my friends the wedding preparations began...


Present Day...

Liam's Pov: Today, is our wedding day. I was not able to meet Marie nor was Damien allowed to meet Cally for a whole of two weeks. I myself am not able to believe how we both were able to wait for our girls.

Even at our Bachelor's party, we were not able to meet each other. But It's okay today I and Damien would be able to call our girls ours forever.

Shopping was done and as usual we brothers were looking both Hot and Sexy. We were born Hot and Sexy.

We were at home getting ready, when I  got a call congratulating me and telling us that the press were all waiting outside our wedding venue.


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