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Unknown POV: "Go and check if the girl is still alive?"

"OK Boss", saying this his two partners went inside to check on Cally.

"Boss the girl is still breathing, we found a faint pulse."

Hearing those words, I went near Cally and kneeled down to her level and touched her neck and she shivered.

" Oh sweet Cally, I see you still  haven't changed." "Who are you?" she asked me in her hazy state and that's when I started laughing and said "Your worst nightmare".

Hearing those words, all color drained out of her cheeks and I put an injection to her neck filled with sleeping drug making her faint on the spot.

 What are you guys doing standing there? Go pick her up and bring her along.

"Lets get moving" But boss they tried to reason with him--The girl might die on the way. She has already lost a lot of blood.

"I am your Boss, Do as I say", he shouted angrily.

His partners flinched and picked up Cally putting her in the boot of the car.

"She won't die, I know that", I would make sure to make her death more painful for all the pain that she has caused me. I will not let her die so easily, he shouted angrily hitting his hands on the steering  wheel  and off they went.

Cally's POV:  30 minutes earlier...

I tried going to my room, crying my eyes out and placing my hand on my heart, I was leaning against the wall crying like crazy thinking was Damien ok?

Fresh tears sprang to my eyes as I wiped them away.

I wish mom and dad were here... They would have been so happy to meet Damien and Dad would have surely given him a hard time for stealing his daughter's heart. 

Then all of a sudden as i was about to pick up my phone, a faint voice was heard yelling my name "CALLY?". I heard quite rustling behind me as sweat beads formed on my forehead, I could not see who it was then all of a sudden there was a big "BOOM" and I went flying to the wall. 

As I hit my head, I saw sharp pieces of glass from the window had cut my leg. I tried to take out as much of them as possible hissing in pain. I tried crawling with my upper body on the floor but a sharp pain shot up in my torso making me shout in pain. 

I was coming in and out of consciousness, when I heard footsteps emerging closer towards me as I wrapped my arms around me in pain.

"Who is there?" I whisper yelled as the pain that shot through my whole body  had drained all my energy and had made my throat dry. 

The persons chuckled as if i was panicking for some funny reason.

Suddenly I heard another deep sinister voice and he said-" Oh my Cally, still haven't changed have you?" I shivered when the person whose voice somewhat made me have a feeling that I knew him but due to my condition and brain fog, I could not place a name for him suddenly touched my neck. 

"Who are you?" I trembled uncontrollably.

"Your worst nightmare.". The person said and then all color drained out of my face when I realized that my past had caught up with me but before I could say anything further, I felt a sting in my neck before I completely blacked out whispering only four words in my cracked voice "D.A.M.I.E.N. P.L.E.A.S.E. H.E.L.P. M.E !!


Hello beautiful people, 

So, how was the chapter? Any thoughts?

I am sorry for the short chapter but i will be back with another long chapter, don't you worry.

Don't forget to vote and comment and I will see you in the next chapter. 

Until then bye my beautiful readers. 



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