"Moving One Step Forward "

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"Love is a state of mind that has nothing to do with the mind"

Cally's Pov: I woke up groggily clutching my head wondering why my head was aching so much.
Somehow another thing I am finding really strange was Why my alarm not wake me up. I always make sure to put an alarm so that I don't get late until this morning.

With a lot of difficulty and clutching my head tightly I removed the covers and slipped out of bed.

Till then I could not recall what had happened to me last night and how I had reached back home.

"Ughh my head"

As I was about to go towards my bathroom I saw a saw a figure sitting on a chair near my bed.

At first I got scared and shouted

Due to the closed curtains and lack of light in my room I could not see his face .
But when I screamed it seemed the man was sleeping and woke up from his sleep and stood up immediately trying to find the source of danger by looking around.

When he saw that nobody else was in the room it seemed he gave a sigh of relief and started coming towards me.

Seeing him come towards me suddenly made me remember the night before and all the memories that had happened started rushing back into my head and I started moving backwards.

While moving backwards I stammered -staayy aw-ay fr-om me and tried to find something to hit him with.

Seeing my panicked state the man tried to calm me down by saying- please put down that frame I am not going to hurt you.

But I did not believe him and clutched the frame harder in front of me like it was my only source of life.

Seeing that I would not give in easy the man moved backwards and went near the lamp side.
At first I thought he was taking out a weapon to hit me with but later on I realised that he had switched on the lamp illuminating the room brighter.

Once the lamp was on I was able to see the man clearly and I was shocked to see the man who had been haunting my dreams in a good way since the incident standing in front of me.

The only difference was that his face looked sad. He had dark circles under his eyes, cracked lips, pale skin like he had not slept since a very long time and disheavled hair like he had run his fingers through them multiple times.

And I realised for the first time in my life after the incident I was not scared.
I knew my Damien would never hurt me.

Sure I was still wary of him and his brother and their intentions towards me but seeing his face right now told me the truth I needed to know that he would never hurt me.

Seeing his face also sort of brought a sense of warmth inside my body and made me weak in the knees because let's be frank despite his condition he still looked handsome.

Coming back to my senses I saw that I had been caught gawking him and he had a stupid smirk on his face.

"Stare all you want Angel... I will always protect you. And i am all yours. "

"Remember that always", he said to me coming towards me and engulfing me in a big hug and started kissing my face everywhere making me laugh.

"I am so glad you are ok angel, if something had happened to you I don't know how I would be able to live."

And he hugged me again and this time I hugged back embracing his warmth.

But suddenly like something struck him he broke our hug not completely still keeping me engulfed in his arms bit now from a distance and said
" Wait you are not scared of me?", He asked like a little boy scared of my answer.

That's when I nodded my head sideways letting him know of my answer.

Damien engulfed me again in a short hug and before I could know what was happening he kissed me on the lips passionately.

At first I was shocked and did not respond but when he bit my lips for enterance I came back to my senses and that's when I put both my arms around his neck and opened my mouth for him and kissed him with equal passion bringing him closer.

After about 10 minutes of passionate kissing we broke off the kiss to breathe in some air.

Damien held my neck and touched my forehead with his not before kissing it and said to me " You don't know how long I waited to kiss you and have you back in my arms angel. "

I swear on my life I would kill anyone who tries to hurt you.
"He had that stern look in his eyes" when he said that and that's how I knew Damien would never let anything bad happen to me.

Our moment did not last long though cause we heard a knock on the door and that's when Marie entered and said in a humorous way shutting her eyes " are you guys clean or do I need to leave?"

Rolling my eyes I moved backwards from Damien' s embrace hearing a groan from him and me to laugh and told Marie to open her eyes and that she could enter.

Once Marie entered she hugged me soo tight and repeated the same words Damien did that she was so glad I was ok if something would have happened to me she would have chopped off Damien's Balls.

"Looking back on Damien I saw he had a horrified face making me laugh."

Seeing me laugh again both Damien and Marie started crying and told me they were soo happy that I am back and am laughing. Plus they told me they love my laugh. Making me embarrassed and go red.

Damien pinched my cheeks and told me not to be embarrassed or scared ever cause he Lo-- he was about to say something when he stopped and said Like you the way you are.

Deep down I wished he would have completed his sentence and not lied but I was glad because it was still early dealing with these feelings plus I needed to still learn a lot of letting go of my fear of men.

Shaking my head I courageously asked him
" were you the one to save me?"
"If yes then how did you know I was gonna be there?"

Listening to my questions he scratched his neck from behind and did not meet my eyes.
On my constant pestering He sort of told me how he was stalking me for my safety and thats how he knew where I was.

I got quite for a while and Damien thought I was angry so he held both my hands bent down on the ground and apologized to me again and again saying how he did it only for my safety and nothing else and how if he had not reached on time something bad would have happened.

Reliving those memories in my head it still haunted me but putting a brave smile on my face I told him that I forgive him and told him to stand up.

Once he stood up i hugged him and thanked him for saving me. I did not ask him what happened to those men cause I did not want to know but somewhere in my heart I knew Damien brought me Justice and he would help me get rid of my fear in every way possible.
-------------------------------------------------------------Hey Guys I hope you all are safe at home and are doing good. Sorry for the long wait on updating had a lot going on in my head and had to clear that out before I could resume writing.

So anyways sorry for the shory chapter but I hope u guys love it and don't forget to give it your love by pressing the star button. Also let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments below. Stay safe guys

Lots of love

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