"Stranger Danger "

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Third Person's Pov :  Coming few weeks were  a complete bliss for them. After Damien and Cally got reunited, it was like their bond got more stronger. 

Damien would not leave her out of his sight even for a minute. Even when she  had to go to work, he had appointed 2 Body guards to take care of her safety. 

She was glad that he loved her  so much and  was worried about her safety but it was kind of  getting annoying for her too. 

As for Veronica and David, they hadn't heard a word from them since that day at Damien's place. Everything was going smoothly until Damien got that un-fateful call.

Damien got a call from the  office saying his LA office had been vandalized by some goons and he had to leave for LA immediately. 

At first Damien was a bit apprehensive to leave Cally behind, but after a lot of convincing by her, he agreed to go on one condition that she called him daily.

"So here she was sipping tea at Damien's apartment alone and looking  at the beautiful view outside and planning their  future together."

"As she  was busy in my thoughts, she did not  even realize someone  knocking at the door"

"When realization occurred to her, she kept her tea aside at the nearby coffee table and went to see who was outside." 

As she walked towards the door and opened it, she did not find anyone outside  so she moved a little further away from the door to look properly and said "Hello is anyone there?" 

 She looked around and found nobody there which was kind of strange considering Damien had appointed bodyguards for her, but right now even they were not present.

"At first she did not think much about  it and thought maybe kids played a prank on her", so she started walking towards her door again to go inside. 

But as she was about to go inside, she saw a medium sized package kept at her  doorstep along with a letter addressed to her by her name."

She got confused as to whom could have given her the package  and  became a little apprehensive on picking up this suspicious package considering  it did not have any return address on it. 

"She kept her negative thoughts aside and thought- maybe Damien bought her something and wanted to keep it a surprise", so she picked up the package and took it inside making sure to call Damien later.

After taking the package inside, she kept it on the coffee table where she had kept my tea and went inside the kitchen to get  the scissors for opening the package.

With the help of scissors, she opened the package and after removing the wrapping sheet she took the item out  to observe it properly. 

After observing the item, " AHHH, she screamed loudly" and fell down on the floor  trying  to move as further away as she could from the package as if it would crawl out and eat her alive, all the while crying, shaking  and screaming "Whyyyy---Whyyy me?"

With shaky hands, she tried opening up the letter that was still in her hands  addressed to her.

At first, she did not want to read what was written in the letter but she also wanted to know why someone would send her  "Bloody Hands" as a package.

The Bloody hands belonged to a male considering the hand size and  freshly cut wound with blood still oozing out of them.

Seeing the package, she got pale and bile to rise in her throat making her want to vomit there and then on the floor.

The initial thoughts that came to her mind were "Is Damien alright and safe?" 

  "Whose hands are these and why would they send her  this?"

"Please God keep Damien safe" ,

"Do not let anything happen to him", she cried loudly. 

Getting up from the floor, she tried running towards her room to get her  phone and call "Damien", but just as she had climbed a few steps,  there was a "big boom" and she went flying across the floor hitting her  head pretty hard on the wall making her  blank out for a minute or two. 

"She   touched her head with her trembling hands to find something leaking and as she brought it near her sight to see, she recognized it to be blood."

"She tried  getting up from the floor but failed miserably when a sharp pain erupted in her right leg causing her to fall down again and "Hiss" in pain  ."

 Even after being in a blurry  disoriented state, she could feel that  something wrong  had happened to her leg, but did not have the energy left in her  body to check,  so with a lot of courage she tried getting up from the floor using her upper arm strength and started crawling on the floor crying . 

She could not go much further though, as a sharp pain again erupted in her midriff making her scream "AHH"

She looked down to see that a sharp shard from the  broken glass window had entered her  midriff. 

She tried asking for help-- " Helpp.. Somebody please Help me",  she said in a shaky voice trying to stay awake. 

She knew she could not stay up much longer and was losing all hope, but after about 2-3 minutes of her crying out for help, she  heard someone laughing and it looked like  someone was entering.

Due to inhaling  all the smoke and dust around, she tried  to stay awake as much as she could  , however she could not make out the faces that had entered.

"Were they good? Were they bad?"

It was still a mystery to her but hearing that voice and listening  him say " This bitch deserved to die, now it would  be more easier to frame her rich boyfriend for her death".

Suddenly, It became all clear to her who had entered.

"Saying his speech to his partners, he laughed evilly"

She could recognize his voice anywhere, she realised her past had returned back for her.

But when she heard two more people laughing along with him, she  got confused as to who they were  and why they were supporting him to kill her?

That's when she  lost her  battle to stay awake and darkness consumed her making her  fall into a deep sleep. 

Before falling into abyss, the only words that came out of her  mouth shakily were 

"DA--M-I-E-N  P-L-A-S-E  S-A-V-E  M- E" and she  fell into deep darkness.
Hey guys cliffhanger... Hehe. What do you think will happen to cally?

Who do you think wanted to kill her and will she live or die?

Let me know what you guys think and how you liked this chapter.
Please don't forget to vote and comment 'oh'  so lovely people and let me know how you liked the song.

Lots of love

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