"Panicked Morning"

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Damien's Pov: After I went back home I got a call from the doctor telling me that Cally had woken up and that she behaved exactly the same way as before confirming his suspesions about the phobic disorder.

I got totally shocked and asked the doctor what  I should do to help Cally to which he replied by saying to tell everything to a family woman friend or most probably cally's  mother because they are the only ones who could counsel Cally  for therapy and take her for her sessions.

Before cutting the call he told me but on a good note cally's brain scans all came out to be clear meaning she has no swelling and if her phobia gets treated well she could live a normal life and with that he said bye to me and cut the call.

Hearing the doctor I breathed a sigh of relief that there were no more health issues in our way,   however the major problem still  stands and I  knew in my  heart that i could never  call cally's mother because firstly I  had bever met her  and secondly how could I  disclose such a drastic news to a mother that to so openly.

Frustated and tired I decided to think of other options whom I could call  and like a bulb got on in my head and just like that I decided to call the second best option in my  mind that was cally's best friend"Marie".
However, Marie  was still unaware about cally waking up from her comatose state.
So I did not know how she would react or she would even agree to  help me  but I decided to give it a try.

So I called her up and after a few rings she picked up my call and said"hello"

I said" hello" and asked is this Marie?
She said this is "she" who am I speaking to?

I told her my name was Damien and that we met at the hospital where Cally is admitted.

Hearing my name Marie screamed and told me she was sorry for not recognising me and asked me how was Cally? Is she still the same and what did doctors say about her condition? and  when she would be able to wake up?

Before I could answer any of her questions Marie  started crying and saying you know Damien it's been so long since I met cally. She is just like a sister to me. If something happens to her I don't know how I would be able to live.

I told her not to cry and that cally had woken up for now.

Hearing me say this she screamed on the phone "when and why are you telling this to me now"?
But like suddenly a light got on in her brain she asked me"wait what do you mean by for now"?
So I told her everything  that happened at the hospital and about callys phobia.

By the time I had finished the whole story Marie had started crying and she told me not to worry everything would be ok.

She told me that she knew even if cally's brain was causing her to get scared of me she won't be able to betray her heart because her heart loves me dearly.

Hearing her say this it was my time to get shocked and I told her she must be mistaken cally did not love me.

She said to me "oh cummon man"  I have seen the way she looks at you and how you make her so happy so please if not for your sake but for cally don't lose hope ok cause she loves you dearly.

And for the other thing I will come and visit cally Tomorrow at the hospital and convince her to attend therapy and also take her for her sessions.
She also promised me bring us back together very soon and to make Cally realise her love for me again.

I thanked her from the bottom of my heart and told her that I would meet her outside the hospital Tomorrow as I could not go inside.

She told me she understands and told me to go to sleep as its getting late and that she would meet me tomorrow.
With that being said she said "Bye" to me.

After talking to Marie I was a little relieved that atleast someone was on my side and soon very soon Cally and me would be together again and this time noone would be able to come between us.

But I also  knew that the road to get her back was a very long one and meanwhile while Marie does her job tomorrow I will do my job of finding about callys past.

With that thought in my mind I started yawning and after changing into comfortable clothes I went to  sleep.

It was somewhat in the middle of the night when I woke up with a jerk all sweaty and nervous.

I  never had nightmares in my life but this was the first time I got one and it was soo realistic that after waking up I could not even remember what it was about. All I remember was that it involved me, Cally and my brother liam.

I saw the time on the clock and it was about 2am which meant I had only a few more hours to sleep before  I needed to wake up and go to the hospital not before paying a visit to my brother.

So I slept again and this time did not get a nightmare.

Upon waking up I did my morning duties as in  got ready and got on the breakfast table to make my breakfast but  just as I was about to drink my coffee yesterday night's  incidents started flooding my head.

Somehow I even managed to recall that I had a dream sort of a nightmare and what it was about.
Flashback: In my dream I saw Cally hating me trying to run away from me. The more I ran towards her trying to show my love the more she was running away from  my eyes.
It's as if she did not believe in my love and with an angry face just shouted "liam hurt me and you are just the same with that she vanished from my eyes.
This time however my dream was coming out to be more true than I wanted it to be.

It was time for me  to do something because if I  didn't I  might just lose Cally forever.

With that determined thought I decided to pay a visit to my dear brother before going to the hospital and warn my  brother  not to ever mess up with my  love life again.

"Ohh" before I forget I had also  decided to cut all ties with my brother and I don't care about what my parents say. All I care about is what he did to my angel.

I  can  never forget the fact that my  brother was the one responsible for messing up my life and my brother's  office was the place where all my miseries started with Cally.

So With that determined thought and an evil glint in my eye I decided to make my brother pay for what he did.
Hey guys sorry for the short update. I promise to make it up to you in the next one. Next update coming soon  so stay tuned my lovelies and stay safe.

Also  what do you think will happen to damien's brother? How will Damien manage to make him pay and do you think with the help of Marie cally will recover soon?

Lots more coming up...  find out in the next chapters.
Till then lots of love stay safe stay happy and don't forget to press the star button and comment below if you liked this chapter.

Lots of love

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