Her Past Part-II( Hospital and Moving Forward)

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Cally's Pov:  "Uff" Why is my head aching so much.  What is this annoying noise and why is there something in my mouth

There was a constant beeping noise which woke me up from my sleep.

At first I could not recall what had happened to me and thought that the noise was coming from the alarm so I tried moving my hand to switch of the alarm all the while eyes closed.

But just as I was about to pick my hand up there was a sharp stinging sensation in my hand which prevented me from picking it up.

On  having the stinging sensation I reluctantly tried opening my eyes  fluttering my eyelashes constantly to make my vision clear and when I did open my eyes the scene in front of me scared me a lot.

At first I did not realise where I was and I tried sitting up but could not do so because there were lots of tubes and wires attached to my body.

I started panicking  but when I saw the heart monitor that had started beeping due to my fast  heart rate that's when I realised I was in a room of a hospital.

I tried sitting up again  with my good hand  and just when I was about to ring the bell for the nurse or call out to her, the door of my room was opened immediately with my crying mother and a unknown man  rushing inside.

On seeing me awake the unknown  man gave a sigh of relief.

On seeing my mother crying I asked her what happened why she was crying and why I was in a hospital. I could not recall at all what had happened to me and my head was throbbing terribly.

My mother started crying more and did not answer and just as I was about to shout and ask again I had a strong wave of naseau and my head started whirling that's when  like a bullet train all the memories started rushing inside my head of how my uncle had assaulted me both mentally and physically.

Coming out of my reverie  and the memories that had forced themselves inside my brain I looked at my mother teary eyed.

Just as I was about to speak my voice became very groggy and I started coughing, that's when the middle aged man who had given a sigh of relief and  who I assumed was the doctor  started monitoring my condition and   told me to not speak and take it slowly and to take deep breaths.

That's when my coughing stopped but I was still feeling dizzy.

The man  started coming near my bed, at first I flinched getting scared  and jumped back maybe as a defence thinking he might hurt me  but he told me it's ok and he won't hurt me as he was my doctor and was only going to remove my bandages and pipes from my arms.

I slowly but gradually relaxed and allowed him to come near  he came near me and checked both my eyes then he called the nurse to help him  to remove the IV tubes from my arm and to switch off the heart monitor and to remove the nasal tube from my jaw and nose.

He made sure  my arm was  securedly bandaged  and checked my head bandage as well which I did not realise was present. After being satisfied with his inspection he gave me water to drink through the nurse.

He introduced himself as Mr Harry  and told me that he was her doctor who had treated her.

He started asking me basic questions  like what my name was, how old was I and what year it was and do I remember the people standing in front of me etc..?

I answered all his questions without any  hesitation but somehow when I told him that I was 18 years old and it was year 2015 going on  he looked at my mother and gave her a worried look which I could not assess and just as I was about to ask him about it he spoke up and  he addressed directly to my mother and told her " Mrs Kingsley can I talk to you outside for a moment? "

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