Love life is like a Storm.

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Cally's Pov: "Like a date? Why do think that I will go to a date?" I scoffed.

"Well as your best friend this is my last and earnest request from you.

I want you  to be happy," she said as she faked crying."

"Oh oh really"? I groaned.


She started wiping away tears which weren't even there.

I felt bad even though she was not actually crying.

She was the most closest thing to a family to me right now just like an older sister  since practically my parents live very far off and I don't want to make her unhappy.

"Fine I 'll go"I spoke softly .

"Huh? what ? She asked as she took a napkin and blew her nose.

I will go to this stupid date," I said as she quickly pulled me into a hug.

"I knew it! I knew you always wanted to go!" she excitedly said.

"Um you  are making me go I said as we pulled away."

I looked at her and she was actually happy.

She always set me up on blind dates after the night with her brother and I never went.

This is the first time I am going and I hope it turns out good.

He better buy me some kiss ass expensive food cause I am not going on a date where I am not gonna eat.

How do you dress up to a date?

Should I wear a dress or a pants and a shirt?

How much makeup should I do?

Now is the time to watch those silly makeup videos that Marie keeps on seeing.

"So uh-Marie? How should I dress? Who is the guy?" I asked softly.

"I already have everything ready for u!" She said excitedly.

"Um...ok?"I spoke.

"The dude is like a Greek God!

Let's get you ready!" she said as she dragged me to my room.

I saw few items lying on the bed.

There was a halter neck sweet heart shaped short black dress with earrings and necklace.

The dress was really beautiful and I must say Marie's choice in clothing is fantastic.

I looked at my bestfriend and saw her smiling.

"What?" I asked curiously

"Nothing it's just that you  will look beautiful!" She said as she clapped her hands.

So when is is the date to which she looked at the clock and panicked as she dragged me to the bathroom.

"Marie calm down it's only 7:30, I spoke as I tried getting out of the bathroom but she slapped me on my shoulder

"Ow" what was that for? I said

"You got to be ready as  girls take a long time to get ready!" she pulled my hair out of the bun

"Um okay should I-"I tried asking but before that she pulled me to the chair. She started doing something with my hair and I can say she had magic in her hands cause my hair looked amazing in those luscious bouncy curls. then she went out and I wore my dress.

The dress fit my body perfectly like second skin.

I was soo astonished to see the woman in the mirror  that for a minute I thought it was someone else.

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