"Second chance"

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Cally's Pov: I wake up in a familiar bedroom that i had long missed. I get up to look around, slowly opening the door. I hear voices talking and from what I could make out it was Marie's voice that I heard. I place my hand on my forehead as my head is pounding trying to recall the night before.

I walk towards Marie and John, they stop talking when they see me. "How are you feeling this morning?" Marie asks nervously.

"I ve felt better, I felt scared though. How did I end up here?" Not that i mind being here. It's just i don't remember coming here. I sit down on the chair across from Marie and rest my head in my hands.

"You don't recall last night?" Marie looks at me worried. "Ughh" I am trying to remember but my head is pounding so bad, I can't even think.

Marie looks up at me concerned. "Would you like something for that headache?"

"Yes..Please.." I beg

"Just so you are aware, I had  a long chat with Damien and he is on his way over here. Marie says as she hands me some Saridon.

"Damien? Why would he be-" I start to say before It hits me about last night- "Oh Marie..now i remember, I really don't want to see him. Please don't make me talk to him."

"I really think you should hear him out once, Just because you caught his ex in the act does not mean he actually went with it. When you told us about what happened we were shocked, I couldn't believe he would do something like that. I wanted to go and meet him personally and castrate him after we put you to bed."

"Marie you did not see it though-" Veronica was naked in his bed and Damien was partially naked! Cally says cutting her off.

"I  know what you saw, but just because that is what you saw doesn't mean he did anything wrong. I have known Damien for a long time now, he does not look to be a player. When he falls hard for someone, he really falls hard. He's in love with you Cally more than you think.

I sit there listening to Marie finding it hard to believe. I look away from her, staring out the window remembering what I saw, the look on his face and the smile on hers. i start crying unknowingly remembering it all.

"He loves you, you need to give him a chance. A chance to explain, you owe him that. What you witnessed last night was a shocked Damien, seeing Veronica in his bed thinking it was you. There's a difference."

"He should be here any minute. Just give him a chance and for heaven's sake quit being a stubborn ass." Marie begged touching the top of my hand.

I sit there thinking about everything that Marie has said and grabbed my phone, I looked at my phone seeing i had missed around 30 calls from Damien, and had some text messages from him as well. I read all his messages. I see he was up all night considering the timeframes where he sent me messages and calls.

I  had just finished listening the last message from Damien, when i saw Marie letting him in. My heart started to race, I was nervous and angry at the same time, but I wanted to see what he had to say.

"I'll leave you two alone." Marie says as Damien starts walking towards me. My heart was pounding so hard I couldn't even look at him.

"I turned facing the window, trying not to look at him. He came up from behind me and started massaging my shoulders." He leans down asking-"Would you like to talk here or go for a walk?" he says in my ears. I closed my eyes as I heard his voice. I had missed him soo much over the past few days that his voice was making me weak and my stomach full of butterflies.

I shrug my shoulders as i look down and fidget with my fingers. He bends down holding my hand stopping me from fidgeting. "Cally- look at me he whispers." He brings my hands up to his lips kissing them and saying "We need to talk".  I take a deep breath saying "I  know" quietly still looking down. 

He curls a finger under my chin, lifting my head for me to look at him-"I LOVE YOU" He says in a soft low voice and stands up to kiss me passionately on the lips, i tried to resist but could not and eventually gave in as i cupped his face in my hands.

"How about we go for a walk and talk?" he asked me.

"I immediately said yes, and he stretched his hand out for me to grab. I take his hand and we leave to talk."

"Cally, i am so sorry you had to see that last night, the whole thing kept bugging me the whole night and to see hurt and tears in your eyes just killed me." he says with hurt in his voice.

"I definitely was not expecting to see that" I said to him looking away.

He stops and turns me to look at him, " I was expecting you to be in bed when i came over but when i heard Veronica's voice I immediately jumped out of bed and that's when you entered. He told me with pain in his eyes."

"You were supposed to come tonight not yesterday" I said to him.

" I wanted to give you a surprise but coming early that's how much I missed you." he said to me.

 "That night when I was dropped off, after seeing some lights on I figured you made it home alright and was going to surprise you in bed, Instead we both got a surprise which we were not hoping for."

He wraps his arms around me putting his forehead on mine " I wish you could realise how much i love you and would never do that to you.

"I'm sorry, but you have to see from my point of view, what would you have done if you were to come at my place and witness me being intimate with my ex?"

"I know, and i feel terrible about it."

"How did she get in anyways? I made sure the door was locked when I left."

"Ohh the code on the door, since her betrayal I always wanted to change the code but did not get time to do so. I figured she went far away and did not have to worry about that. I am regretting it now. I immediately changed it."

"I know, i saw your message about the code, funny too you chose the code as the date that we first met." He smiles. "Best code to remember." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"What do you say I bring you home?"


And that's how Me and Damien said our goodbyes to Marie taking her wishes to be forever together. 

We get back to Damien's house, the moment we walked in the house, he grabbed me kissing me hard, making my stomach drop and my heart race. I had to pull back for some breath. "I wanted to do that so bad when i got off the airplane, and after what happened last night I just wanted to keep kissing you forever." he said to me.

"I was so scared, I really thought I lost you after the stunt she pulled." I told Damien. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist pulling me in close for another deep passionate kiss. 

He pulls back and starts kissing my neck, making tingles to happen in my core, making me wet and wanting every part of him. 

He hits the sweet spot below my ears, placing kisses and biting there making me moan. I was sure he was trying to make his claim by marking  me which was surely going to bruise tomorrow. 

"He then whispers in my ears" I can't wait for the day when you will be fully mine and I would get to  call you Mrs. knight." he said to me.

Hearing those words, I started blushing and told him, " He had to propose first for that to happen."

" I so plan on it, just wait and see I would make it the best day of your life." he said to me with a determined look.

"Hearing him say that, I blushed and hid my face  by putting my head on his chest listening to his heart beat."

"I thought our life would be simple and loved now that we were back together, but how wrong was I when I did not know that far off  there was someone keeping a keen eye on us planning to destroy us forever.


Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter. 

Do let me know in your comments below who do you think is planning to make Damien and Cally's  life hell except for veronica. 

 Please don't forget to vote on this chapter too. Your valuable votes mean a lot to me. 

Lots of love


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