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5 YEARS AGO ....

Cally's pov: Mom! Dad! where are you?

"See I came first in my class again."

I started shouting, as I entered my house.

Usually the door of my house is always locked however, this time it was already open.

How strange!

" I know,  but I was soo happy and wanted to share my happiness that I payed no attention to it. "

I thought maybe they forgot to lock the door.

Then  I entered and my parents did not come to greet me.

Again I thought,   they must have gone somewhere.
So I decided to lock the door and go to my room.

Just as I was about to climb the stairs to reach my room someone from behind me said "Hi dear"

It Startled me badly and my hand slipped from the railing and I was about to fall on the floor.

Fearfully I closed my eyes preparing myself for the unlucky fall.

However, the fall never came instead I had fallen in someones arms.

When I opened my eyes I saw I had fallen in my uncle's arms and he had protected me from falling.

I said ," Oh"  I am soo sorry uncle you just scared me for a moment and thank you  for saving me from my fall.

He said, "It was ok" and he was sorry for scaring me like that.

"Umm",  if you don't mind me asking what are you doing here uncle and where are my parents?

He said , " My parents are  not at home and had gone to attend some meeting"

And since they could be late they have left him  responsible to take care of me  for the time being.

"Oh ok! "  I am going to my room I said,  not before telling him about the good news of my coming first.

Then I left for my room telling him to just call if he needed me.

But just as I was about to go, my uncle stopped me and  told me to give him a hug since I had not met him from  a very long time.

I knew My uncle was  the closest person to my Dad so when he said " He was proud of me and to give him a hug, I did not mind because for me he was just like my Dad.

Since my uncle was standing very near to the couch in the living room, i had to go all the way there to meet him but suddenly  a weird thought also erupted in my mind-

"when did he go near the couch and how come he reached so early?"

Nevertheless,  It was short distance so I went to him and gave him a tight friendly childlike hug.

However, my uncle had other intentions which I was not aware of.

He grabbed me by my shoulders and brought me more closer to him.

At first I was "ok" with it but then he did something which caused my heart rate to increase.

He sniffed my neck and bit it .

"Mind you" it was not a small nib it was a very hard painful nib which would surely become a hickey.

I pushed him roughly off me and asked him-

"what was he doing"?

He answered by saying,  I had a lovely smell and he was sorry for biting my neck.

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