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Cally's Pov: Its been 2 days since I last met Damien. Well apparently when I left his home and went to work, my boss was absolutely cool with it. I don't know what magic or what Marie had told her but I was very grateful to her for this. However today was not that issue.

Apparently Susan threw a bomb at us that a big company "Knight and Co. have bought out cafe and the CEO of that company will be our head boss.

So here I am quite nervous to meet the new boss as I along with my coworkers have no idea who he is and what he looks like. Hell we don't even know his first name. As much as I loved Susan I knew she had grown old and one day her cafe will be sold but I did not realise the day will come so soon. From what all the information we could gather we got to know that our boss was a billionaire with lots of companies worldwide and apparently this would be his first food company. Bringing me back from my reverie and my shocked state, Marie asked me "Did I know"?

"I asked her Did I know what"? "Huh", she sighed and said apparently our new boss thinks that the cafe is to small for his liking so after having a meeting with us and all the staff members he is planing on giving us a break temporarily do that he could break this cafe and turn it to something big.

"I was shocked And I asked What?". Not shocked I was surprised that even before meeting us he decided to make such a big change .

"No" I cannot let this happen. I have to do something. There are way to many memories attached to this cafe and I cannot let this go without a fight. So I fiercely thought out to myself:

"Watch out Mr.CEO" because you might be the owner of this cafe but a big trouble is coming your way.

And with that thought I stormed out of the cafe to cool myself down.


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What do think will happen next and what will cally do to finally save her cafe from breaking?

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