"New Couple"

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Marie's Pov: After seeing Cally I was so relieved that she is ok.

All I wanted for her is to be happy and I can see that Damien makes her happy.

She is just like a little sister to me and I pray that nobody comes between her and Damien again and they get married soon and have kids so that I could be their fairy God Mother.

Oh before I forget. After hearing about Cally incident, my brother John rushed back from his trip with his patner and are on their way to meet Cally and Damien now.

So I need to go and inform them before my brother's arrival here.

I went to Cally's door and knocked on it not before clearing my throat loudly and closing my eyes letting them know of my arrival.

Before I entered, I saw Cally's flushed face and I knew that they both were in a full blown make out session making me smile seeing the obvious smile and red tint on Cally's cheeks.

So not to embarrass her and ruin her happiness I decided not to tease her and tell her about my brother's arrival.

Hearing the news Cally got so excited that she jumped out of Damien's arms and hugged me tightly sqeeling loudly and firing me with questions like "when is he coming?

"Oh would I get to finally meet his man?"

"Where was he all this time?"

Seeing cally's excitement I could not control myself and I laughed at her eagerness and told her boldly that if I did not know any better about my brother I would have totally shipped her and my brother together.

By the time we were bickering nonstop and were busy in our own little world we totally forgot that Damien was still present in the room till the time he made his presence known by clearing his throat loudly to grab our attention .

Also, the next thing he did was snatch cally out of my arms and pull her into  his arms posessively.

Then he grabbed her cheeks with both his hands making cally look up at his face and asked in a polite yet authoritative tone pointing towards me

" Who was she talking about?"

And " Why was she saying that if she did not know any better she would totally ship you and that man together?"

Hearing his questions I started laughing putting a hand to my mouth but seeing my laughing face, Damien gave me a mean scary look.

He kinda had that mean, angry, jealous look on his face and in his eyes.

Seeing his face I controlled myself but decided to tease him further.

Why are you asking her you should be asking me that.

Is cally not allowed to make Male friends now?

Hearing my question, Damien got more angry and held cally more close to him as if that was even possible and said in an angry tone " She is only Mine"

Seeing his posessiveness Cally also could not control herself and she too started laughing loudly along with Marie leaving a confused Damien.

Cally then held Damien's face gently with both of her hands and turned his face towards her and said in a sweet way--

The guy you are jealous of and are talking so rudely about is never gonna be intrested in me cause he is "Gay"

That left Damien baffled and he said "O"  at the same time happy from inside so he smiled and told her " Was she serious?"

"And Cally told him 100%"

Hearing the news Damien got so happy that he picked up cally and started spinning her around  before kissing her passionately on the lips and that was the time for me to leave.

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