"24 Hours"

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After Marie left, Damien pulled me into his arms again.

" Damien" Stop it please.

He did not listen, he continued to place butterfly kisses all over my neck and bit me playfully giving me hickeys.

Unattentionally I moaned, tilting my head giving him  more access to my neck.

By then I did not realise my eyes had  closed on their own enjoying the feel of his lips on my neck. My mind had gone totally blank lost in the feel.

Lost in our own world, I did not even hear my phone ringing. I tried to push Damien away and attend to the call, but he pulled me back and told me to ignore it.

I listened to him and after 5 minutes of ringing the phone stopped.

Now where were we? Damien asked me in a seductive voice and tried to pull me more closer to him but before anything could happen, the phone started ringing again.

This time I pushed Damien away from me and said" Damien Stop" and before he could catch me, I  ran off quickly from his arms to attend the call.

" Hello" whose this?, I asked

I heard someone wailing and crying on the phone. At first I got scared hearing the woman's cries and did not know what to do.

I said again,who is speaking and why are you crying?

By now I did not care if it looked like I was shouting on the phone because the woman's cries really shook me and it looked like I knew that voice.

Hearing my shouts, Damien came near me and held my shoulder with one hand and asked who is it?

" I don't know , I said"

Then when I was about to cut the call, the woman spoke " Cally"

Recognising the voice immediately I asked in a feeble voice " Marie?"

" What is happening why are you crying?"

"Where are you Marie you are scaring me"

Marie then said, I am in St.Clair hospital. Hearing the term hospital I turned stone white.

"What happened why are you in a hospital" ?

By now I was full blown frightened. And I knew  Damien was listening carefully.

Marie told me that John and his partner  had been in an accident and he was  in a serious condition.

Hearing this the phone fell from my hands and I broke down on the floor .

" Why God Why? "

" Why are you doing this to me... first my parents now John?"

" Please don't do this Please" I begged noone in particular.

Understanding quickly, Damien bent down and hugged me tightly. I did not realise he had tears in his eyes too.

"You are not alone Cal, I am there for you every step of the way"

I hugged Damien tighter and rocked in his arms crying. It did not matter if I looked like a mad woman now. All that mattered to me was taking care of my bestfriend and praying John was ok.

So I wiped my tears and told Damien to take me to the hospital immediately.

Before I could stand Damien lifted me up in his arms and told me I was in no condition to walk and took me out of the house.

When we reached outside,Damien put me down on the floor and locked the door. He then took my hand and took me to his car driving really fast.

The drive from our home to the hospital was   20 minutes away. Those 20 minutes were the heaviest moments of my life.

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