Work load and meeting new people.

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Cally's pov:- It's been one week since the time I joined the cafe.

Everything seems like a dream to me, I still can't believe I got the job.

"It's unbelievable"

Today, the cafe was full as ever which meant I would have to work overtime and help marie but I didn't mind because I really loved spending time with her .

Although I don't know why today,  I had  this feeling that marie was  hiding something from me  and it had been going on since the time I told her I was  not dating anyone.

I don't know probably it's just my over thinking.

"Stupid Brain"

"Uh" no idea!

Anyways, I won't let my stupid brain spoil my friendship  and whenever marie wants to share something with me that's bothering her I would be there to listen to her without any judgement.

But for  now let's just enjoy our time together.

Marie's pov:- Cally and I have become really close friends and whenever I am with her it's like I am soo happy but for some reason I am very worried about her too.

I want her to be happy and  enjoy her life just like me.

Call me possessive but I don't care, she is just like a younger sister to me  and I just want her to be happy.

So therefore I have not told her yet that my brother John was  returning today from Hamptons New Jersey and is waiting for me at home .

I wonder if she knows I even had a brother.

"Hmm let's see ."

I know I am being a cupid here but I can't help it,  I really want cally to meet my brother and live her life happily.

Plus if she and my brother got married I  get to call her my sister forever.

" Wo hooo" ...let's see how it goes.
Hi guys what do you think of this chapter??
Will marie be able to hook cally up with her brother?

And what do u think will happen once cally meets john.

Read on to find out.

And do let me know in your comments below what you  really think.

Don't forget to share and like my book. Thanks a ton.


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Ps . The above pic is of cally in her casual look for the cafe.


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