Coffee/Date and Confessions Part-1

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Cally's POV :- After cleaning the cafe last night I got soo tired and decided to head straight away home but it seemed Marie had some other plans.

She suggested that I sleep over at her place.

I knew Marie lived alone and must be lonely just like me  so in order to give her company I agreed.

I immediately without a second thought  agreed but  not before telling her to stop over at my place as i needed my clothes.

So after collecting my clothes from my place me and Marie went to  her place in her Blue Sedan and reached her place in exact 15 minutes.

Once I reached her place I was in complete "Awe" with her surroundings-Lush and bright  interiors, beautiful garden, beautifully decorated photo  frames, spiral stairwell, jacuzzi, swimming pool and what not.

I fell head over heels in love with her place but before I could say something to Marie I saw some movement happening and having an over active mind I knew that Marie did not have a pet and I could make out huge manly frame even in dim light so I knew  it had to be a burglar in her house.

So without informing anything to Marie I picked up a glass vase  kept nearby and went to the place where the noise was coming from.

However what I saw in front of me had my eyes going wide and my mind to  freeze not before  screaming  the  hell out covering my mouth with my hands.       

I was literally shocked and even in my frozen state my mind was working at a very high speed trying  to think of various possibilities.

John's POV:-  Hi my name is John and I work in a Multi National company in New Jersey and had returned today  to meet my one and only beautiful sister Marie.

So when I returned home the house was empty as my sister had already informed me that she would be working late.

I decided to shower first and after taking a long soothing shower on wearing just my jockeys and shorts I decided to make something to eat  in the kitchen.

However, I was too engrossed in my cooking that I did not even notice keys juggling and someone entering the kitchen let alone screaming.

But when I recovered from my reverie and turned around I saw a very beautiful woman  probably in her early 20's with brown eyes and luscious lips and brunette hair standing in front of me frozen on  her spot.

Although I might be gay,which is my supposed  to be my secret and soon to be discovered by my sister,
I was still attracted towards this mysterious woman.

But what made me startled was that her hands were bleeding probably because of the broken vase which not lay on the floor.

So I clicked my fingers in front of her so as to make her come in terms with reality.

Although I was loving the fact that she was ogling my body,
but when she realised that she was caught ogling she started blushing in embarrassment and winced in pain due to her hand.

I immediately went inside and brought out first aid kit for her hand and started wiping her hands.

It made her cheeks red and heat up making her more cute and embarrassed at the same time.


'PHEW' long chapter I know but what do you  think will happen now that cally has met John.

Will she get her soul mate or will her heart be crushed .

read on  to know more and I thought I really owe this chapter to you  guys so please don't forget to:



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