"Are you shitting me!!"

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Cally's Pov: "This painting is pretty awesome, it has so much meaning to it. I'll bet they get good money for this." I say to my friend.

"It's too bad my partner is not into paintings, otherwise I would love to throw a bid on this." My friend says in awe.

I feel a tap on my shoulder thinking it's Damien  I turned around and was confused on who was standing behind me. My friend turns around and gasps too. 

"You know her?" I asked my friend.

" Who doesn't know her, Don't you know she was the most loved and adored Girlfriend  of Billionaire Damien Knight." she said to me.

"Hearing her, I felt I was going to faint for a second."

"Hearing my friend's comment, the woman whose name I was yet to know told us that she was still his girlfriend in a smirking way"

"Hearing her comment, I scoffed and made a sour face getting angry at the same time"

" Turning towards me, the woman brought her hand for shaking and introduced herself to me."

Hearing her name I got to know that she was "THE  SAME VERONICA" about who Damien mentioned to me as the one who cheated on him with his brother.

"What are you two doing here, she asked us in a menacing way" Before replying to her I was trying to find where Damien is. I see my friend eyeing Damien and elbowing me seeing he was looking our way  and I started to calm down.

" She told us, you both don't deserve to be at an event like this, like you two can afford anything here-" She starts saying before I cut her off just as Damien was standing behind her.

"Go deep throat a cactus Veronica and get the hell away from us."

"Now Cally, is that way to talk to some-"he gets cut off by Damien.

"I think it's time for you to leave. "Damien says sternly giving the evil look.

"If you think being here with my brother can make me jealous, I 've already dealt with you for 5 years, trust me you aren't worth keeping. If you were I'd still have you." Damien says to her. I brush past Victoria grabbing my drink from Damien.

"I came here to talk to you", says Veronica getting shocked how Damien spoke to her.

 "You are like a Dime not worth much talking to. Goodbye." he says to her as we start to leave.

"What the hell is she doing here?" I ask Damien.

"Who's that guy"? I didn't know he was your brother. I have met your brother before and it certainly did not look like him. I saw him looking at us the whole night. "So who is he?" I asked Damien.

"That is Mark"

"Mark"? I asked in a confused way. Damien sighed sadly and told me he was his half brother and the one who Veronica cheated on.

"Ouch", I said

As we were walking to a different area Victoria came running to us and stopped us from walking any further.

"Do you mind, please leave us alone." Damien says frustrated.

"If you don't mind the trash gets picked up tomorrow. Be ready, now if you will excuse us." I snap at her and we start to walk away from her.

Damien starts to laugh." Where did all that come from?"

"All what?"

"Your comments?" He says trying to hold back from laughing.

"Put it this way, I 've  had enough of everyone's shit." I  say looking serious slamming my wine. I grab the champagne and slam that too. " I needed that, my nerves are making me shake." I  say with a chuckle.

Damien stands there looking at me with a side smirk." I see you still have your feistiness in you."

"This one isn't" , I say with a smirk.

"What's that?"

I cup his face and lean up to kiss him passionately on the lips. "I LOVE YOU"


Hey guys, please don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter. Your votes and comments give me motivation to write more. 

Lots of love,


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