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Time period: Cally is 21 years old and she has just moved into her new apartment in US.

Cally's Pov: Everything was going good since the time I had been discharged from the hospital.

I had finally moved in to my new apartment and my parents had also found a rented accommodation for themselves in the same neighborhood just leaving 3-4 houses.

I was finally trying to be happy and live my life.
Sure there was a constant fear in the back of my mind of that monster coming back, which made me more guilty for hiding such a big truth from my father.

But I was happy till the time my father  made no contact with him.

Everything was going good. My new University was amazing which i started going to as soon as I moved in starting Monday.

I even made a new friend Celine who was exactly like me in so many ways. We shared Soo much in common like favorite books,movies,shopping etc. She even wore clothes like me.

At first nobody could tell us apart except for our hair colours. My hair colour was honey brown while her hair colour was jet black which told the people the difference between us two.
It was like she was my lost twin or something.

Soon weeks went by and my life was finally coming back on track.

Even I had not heard anything from my uncle so I thought that he must have run away and forgotten all about me.

But I was so wrong. One day when I was at college I got a call that my parents had been in an accident and they had been admitted to St. Bunt hospital.

I was heart broken and completely shattered. I ran to the hospital as fast as I could.

On reaching the hospital the doctors told me  they could not save my parents.

On hearing the news I was so shocked that I fainted on the spot.

A team of nurses running to me  was the last thing I saw when everything went blank.

When I woke I was  in the hospital bed.
At first I thought  this was all a joke and my parents would come anytime to see me.

But unfortunately, it was not my parents but the police and the detectives that entered my room.

They said they were very sorry for my loss and told me there was no way of saving my parents as it looked like a well executed and planned accident where the driver hit my father's side of the car very badly dragging it along the road ultimately making it hit with a truck and the car to burst into flames.

I was shocked on hearing the news. The detectives asked me if I had any idea someone was trying to kill them?
To which I replied No!

I started crying badly as the realization finally got me that I was all Alone.

I started shouting to the sky" why God Why"? "Why me always?"
"Whenever something good is happening you have to take it away from me. "

Seeing my condition the doctors rushed to  me and told me that I should consult a psychologist for my condition who would make me feel better. They even told me the bill was on the hospital and they handed me a card which had the details of the psychologist.

I was so numb at that stage that I could not even utter a single word let alone pick the card up given to me by them.

Everything had happened so suddenly that i did not get time to mourn.

All the memories were running in my head like a broken record.. all the good times, all the silly fights I used to have with them, their concern for me, their possessiveness, the quality of sharing and equality between us siblings.

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