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Cally's Pov: Reassuring that no one was in the room, I sat back up and checked to see if anyone was here and gladly nobody was there, So i slowly got up and walked towards the window.

My hands were shaking as I  reached for the barrels and stacked them together to form a staircase that was three steps. I then grabbed the ropes  and rocks  and climbed onto the barrel, I was Short heighted, so I had to stand on my tippy toes and took a big rock to break the window, but I couldn't cause I feared Veronica might not hear me as she was just outside the door, So I took a deep breath saying "It's Now or Never" if my plan works we will be out of here alive.

I closed my eyes shut and threw the rock to break the window, making it smash and glass pieces to fly everywhere and one piece to get stuck in my arm making me wince in pain. 

Before I knew it, the door flew open revealing a shocked Veronica holding a gun in her hands.

"What are you doing you bitch!" she screamed pointing the gun at me.

"Get down and put your hands up in the air or else i will shoot you" she yelled causing me to flinch and put my hands in the air in surrender. I stepped down the barrels hissing as the sharp shards touched my feet on the floor. 

Once I made it down, I stood in front of Veronica as she glared at me pointing the gun at me, 

"Now follow me and bring your nephew, if you do anything stupid, you will surely regret it." Veronica said turning away and walking towards the door which was a very stupid move cause she did not know what I had planned.

Without hesitating once more, I picked up a large piece of rock  and crept up behind  Veronica and hit her on the head from behind without a warning causing her to close her eyes and fall unconscious on the floor. I did not feel guilty at all doing this because it was for mine and Adrian's safety. 

"I need to get out of here...NOW!"

I rushed over to Adrian and shook his shoulders, so that he could wake up. He finally woke up saying "Aunty?"

However, i could not answer him as my heart was beating at a very fast rate. "Aiden we need to get out of here" I said and the next thing I did was scoop Adrian in my arms and head to the door to escape but then I heard voices coming afar.

"Oh noo. Uncle and Mike must be talking to Damien, no!" I have to stop Damien from giving the money before it's too late.

I sprinted the barrel staircase that i made earlier being vary of not pricking my skin from broken glass but failed miserably.

Once I saw from the window, I realized we were just above the ground, meaning we were in the basement.

I glanced over at Aiden and when I saw him shiver against me, "Where are we going, he asked me innocently with curious eyes,"

"We are going out" I smiled weakly at him and turned my face towards the window, the window was big enough for me to crawl through, However  the shards sticking out of my skin were making it impossible for me to get out.

But I have to do something, time was ticking out. I looked over at Adrian and kissed his forehead, I pulled him up to the window and pushed  him carefully outside only for him to cry.

"Noo aunty I am scared!" he cried clutching onto my shoulders, "But we need to get out of here darling." I whispered to him  carefully. He shook his head and told me "But I  want you to come with me."

I sighed and agreed, then I pushed myself towards the window with Adrian in my arms in a protective manner and slowly crawled out the window just to be greeted by terrible pain shooting within my thigh area, meaning I had opened up my temporary stitches which the doctor had done while we were kidnapped.

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