"Feeling Weird"

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Cally's Pov: " Move in with me.." He whispered as he lightly stroked my arms.I laid quietly in his arms closing my eyes, I wasn't ready for him to ask me that. I just wanted to enjoy the moment. "Cally?" he quietly asks. "Hmm?" I said snuggling my head further into his neck with a smile.

"Would you be willing to move in with me?"

"Can we talk about this another time, I am really tired" I said yawning.

He doesn't say anything just lets out a grown holding me tightly to his chest. I was about to fall asleep when I heard him whisper "Please consider" 

In the morning, I  woke up next  to Damien with a big smile on my face. Today, for some reason I woke up earlier than him so I stroked his face lightly so as to not wake him up and kissed his cheek.

Damien's question was still looming in my head, although I  love him but considering my past and my fear of men, I was still apprehensive that my condition might relapse and Damien might not be able to handle me this time and get rid of me.

Seeing Damien frowning last night on not getting a satisfactory answer broke my heart. 

I love Damien really much but I also don't want to get hurt again or become the cause of someone getting hurt especially Damien.

Keeping all the thoughts aside, I  decided to get up, I had grabbed a shirt of Damien's that was lying over the chair in the corner of his room. Putting that on, I quietly went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge to see what I could make Damien for Breakfast to cheer up his mood. I  grabbed a frying fan from the drawer near the stove and started frying up bacon. After the bacon got crisp, I decided to chop the vegetables for my  special  dish made from eggs. This dish was extra special to my heart cause my birth mom taught me this when I was young. This dish was called "Shakshuka". So after preparing shakshuka in the pan, next I decided to get the toast ready along with black coffee.

I had found a serving tray and brought his food into his room, setting the tray down I climbed over him and leaned down to kiss his lips. He wrapped his arms around me as he started to wake up. Opening his eyes I placed another kiss on his lips. "Morning, I made you some breakfast." I tell him before getting off and grabbing a tray to set over his lap.

"What did you do this for?"Mrs.Greyson should here any minute to make breakfast." he says looking at the food." I just wanted to make you some food." I said to him getting hurt.

I started to leave the room "Cally wait.." I stop at the doorway not looking back. "I was just trying to say you don't need to cook here, that's why i have kept Mrs.greyson.

"I appreciate it though, the breakfast is really yummy", so Thank you  he says putting bites in his mouth one after the other.

"Come here" he says when he sees me still sad.

I slowly walk over to him as he is patting on the bed for me to sit on. He sets down the tray on the nightstand as i sit next to him.

He wraps his arms around me and curling his finger under my chin turning me to face him, he leans over kissing me.

"Thank you." he says sincerely. "You are welcome," I say softly as I look in his eyes.

He grabs the tray placing it over him, and resumes to eat again. Taking a bite out of the bacon and placing the other part of the bacon in my mouth. He even fed me some of the special  shakshuka eggs. He even complimented me by saying "How amazing and delicious it is and How he was eating it for the first time."

We heard Mrs. Greyson walk in just as Damien finished eating. He put some clothes on and went to talk to her, explaining how I did not know she was coming and had already made breakfast for him. She ended up staying and cleaning the kitchen for us.

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