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Cally's POV:  A few hours later...

I woke up to something cold splashing on my face making me flinch, I adjusted to the darkness I was in.

The only source of light was coming from a candle kept very far off at the table.

I tried standing up despite the pain in my thighs, however I couldn't stand up due to two facts-one, I was severely hurt and second, i was completely tied to a chair with ropes around my hands and legs preventing me from escaping.

I furrowed my eyes in confusion as to how I ended up here, I can't remember anything of how i ended up here. Panic washed over my body as I heard chuckling, and not just any chuckling but an evil one which sent goosebumps down my body.

I raised my head to the person who was chucking but could not see them clearly due to darkness in the room.

"It's been quite a while since we saw each other, isn't that right Cally?" A familiar voice asked me and I began to feel a sharp pain go throughout my body.

"Who are you?" I asked the person, I heard shuffling before the person answered me,

"Well see for yourself."

Suddenly bright lights invaded my vision causing me to blink several times due to the  sudden change.

I looked around the room and it looked like i was in an abandoned building seeing the flaking wallpapers and chipping of the walls. I glanced at the person and my heart stopped beating for a moment and I was horrified, the person standing in front of me was none other than "My evil Uncle".

I started breathing heavily in fear cause i felt powerless, however I somehow managed to ask him one question that I was  wondering since I woke up in this area.

"Wwhere- where  am I? "My voice trembled asking the question, my uncle just laughed and crouched down to my height and looked directly to my eyes, his cold evil and vicious eyes staring at me in victory.

"That's for me to know, however you are kidnapped and won't be leaving anytime soon until I get what I want."

I frowned in confusion as he stood backup and stepped far away from me,

"What do y-you mean?" I asked him with a frightened expression, instead of answering my question he yelled for a moment to come in which I found totally scary and weird.

Soon a door that was situated at the corner of the old room opened revealing two people with hoods over their heads come in slowly creeping their way towards me.

I winced in pain from all the wounds that I got from the blast at the house. However, I did notice that my wounds were all stitched up making me frown.

Seeing my face, my uncle scowled and said "Did you really think I would let you  die so easily you bitch" he said holding my face from my chin roughly. I had to call a doctor and stitch you up because I am going to make your death so painful that you would regret ever running away.

And after killing you I am going to frame that bastard billionaire boyfriend of yours and earn a lot of money. Saying this he laughed evilly again. 

While my uncle was busy in his little speech, I tried untangling the ropes off my hands which were connected to the ropes to the chair but instead of me freeing myself I received a painful slap across my cheek from my uncle,

"Don't even try!" he snapped as the two people stood either side of him, "Please let me go I won't tell anyone about this." I pleaded him as my eyes welled up with tears.

"I am not a fool to think that you won't tell your rich boyfriend. Uncle sneered in my face before glancing at each of the people on either side of him.

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