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Cally's Pov: The door burst open revealing Damien in all his glory holding a gun in his right hand, while clutching onto the door knob.

His eyes scanned the room before they landed on me and widened in nothing but shock. 

Without wasting another second, he ran towards me and stood in front of me with a smile on his handsome face.

I don't know when but I felt tears started falling down my eyes, his hand reached for my cheeks wiping my tears away.

I knew he was here, here to save me.

I cupped his jaw and looked into his eyes that I fell in love with and he did the same.

I leaned over so that I was just centimeters away from his face and When I was about to lean in to kiss him, we heard a "BANG"

I sprang open my eyes to the loud sound that came breaking my very unfamiliar slumber, I looked around the room for Damien but I was still in a chair with my hands and legs tied. I snapped into reality that Damien wasn't here and it was all just  a dream.

Tears slid down my face in disappointment that I was still stuck in this horrid place along with Aiden not knowing where he was.

"Wake up you idiot!" Veronica yelled at me while shaking my shoulder aggressively, I gazed at her not saying a word. I don't want to say anything. In fact I was speechless cause of how these two played Damien.

"Veronica groaned loudly," Don't just sit here you bit--She was saying only to get cut off by mike "God's sake Ver! We will deal with her later but now all we need is that money."

Veronica gave me one last glare before turning her head towards Mike, 

"Veronica I already talked to you about this, he wants Cally and her nephew with no bruises or anything. We will get her okay, he just needs to see her and her nephew safe then..." Mike spoke in a very low voice, but I couldn't catch what he was saying at the end.

"What does Mike mean he needs to see me and Aiden safe then..."? I hope they are not planning to do something bad to Damien or Aiden.

Whatever it was Veronica glanced my way and nodded her head not taking her gaze off me, 

"Of course then you would be all mine" she walked towards me and stood in front of me crouching down to my height, 

"He will suffer once we are done with you."

She'll be done with me? What does she mean?

I  furrowed my eyebrows  in confusion and was about to ask her that's when the doors opened and mu uncle entered, she was wearing gloves and was clutching onto a white handbag walking towards Mike,

"Did you get her in position like I asked? My uncle asked Mike and Veronica.

"Mike turned to Veronica, "What position?"

The uncle rolled his eyes then searched his bag for something, "I meant for this." he took out a huge syringe out of his bag making me furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Hold her down now!" Uncle shouted making mike flinch, "Oh yes, we will get to it now."

Before I knew what was happening, all three surrounded me in a circle, mike holding onto my shoulders and Veronica holding onto my face roughly with a satisfied smirk on her face, Then uncle came forwards in front of me quickly checking if the syringe was working then looked at me, "This might hurt" He evilly smirked at me, I shook my head in fear.

I hate syringes.

My hands were shaking and trembling, "No no please not the syringe" I begged her but the syringe neared my neck, "I beg you please don't"

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