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Cally's Pov: Damien stands there with a shocked expression looking at me with a side smirk.

" I see you still have your feisty mouth."

"This one isn't" I said with a smirk.

"What's that?"

I cup his face and lean up to kiss his lips." I love you.." I said to him. Pulling back I just realized what came out of my mouth and although I was sure I loved him a lot but the reason why i did not wait and said it to him now, I wasn't sure why.

I looked at him to see his expression and wasn't expecting what happened next.

He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me tight against him with his other hand sliding through the back of my neck planting a hard demanding kiss on my lips.

I ended up pulling back just to breathe.

I opened my eyes to look at him, and he was gleaming with happiness and he said to me

"God I love you too".

Soon after our confession, I heard wolf whistles and people clapping along with media persons clicking our pictures.

I was so lost in my emotions that I did not even notice people gathering around us and media snapping our pictures together.

Coming to reality, I hid my face in Damien's neck trying to hide my blush while he hugged me with his one arm and kissed my forehead.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have said that".
I whisper to him.

He tilts his head confused "Why?" He asked hurtly.

"Because, I lean closer to him saying now the whole world will know about us and we would be in every big newspaper and magazine tomorrow." I said hiding my face.

Damien started laughing and said to me,"Well one thing that i do know for sure is that I know what I feel, and that's-- I do Love you." he says wrapping his arms around me,giving me a hug and kissing my forehead gently.

"Come on let's go sit down, looks like they are about to serve our meals."
He says as he takes my hand walking us over to our table.

We sit down and of course we noticed who was sitting alongside us none other than Victoria and Damien's half brother.

The whole night i kept wondering how two people could wreck a good night.

As I look over there, I  see Veronica giving me mean looks.

I rest my hand on Damien's thigh and, he looks over at me and I say "Kiss me" to him while grinning.

With no hesitation he kisses me on the lips, he was about to pull back when I cupped my hand on his face kissing him harder.

I then pull away, smiling "Thank you", I needed that I say to him as I take my hand and wipe some of my lipstick off the side of his lips.

"If you don't stop we will have to skip dinner and i will have to take you home." He says grinning and rubbing my inner thigh.

"That's ok with me too"

After dinner, they did a silent auction and Damien won a couple of things as he saw how I kept on admiring a painting and when I wasn't looking he put a bid on it.

Once the dinner got over, we started to leave not before shaking people's hands. While we were on the sidewalk, someone shouted to us" LOOK OUT"

Damien and I has our arms around each other and I turned around to see a closed fist coming my way, but I ducked it and it landed styraight at Damien's face

The security guards went running up behind Veronica, putting her in hold. Damien wipes the side of his face, I got angry and shouted at her.

"What the hell is your problem Veronica?"

"Stay the fuck away from him, he is still my fiance!" Veronica yells at me trying to get away from the guards. Next thing I know Damien angrily came in front of me and shouted at Veronica "I am not your fiance, and you are going to stay the hell away from the both of us."

"Either you leave with who you came here with, or I make a phone call and you would have to leave with the police, your choice".  Damien says as he has his phone ready in his hand.

Mike stands there watching all of this going on, standing there with a shitty smirk.

He walks over and grabs Veronica,"Come on let's go" He says giving Damien an evil eye as he walks past him. Giving Damien a forceful shove.

We get into the limo, and I look at Damien's face, it's all red and I was sure it was going to bruise tomorrow. I start to think of the whole situation and get angry.

"I would like to know how those two hooked up together to create a scene today, they obviously came tonight to create problems. It was a fucking wrong place to do it." I say getting mad and crossing my arms.

"Don't even worry about it, they are not worth it." Damien says wrapping his arms around me holding me tightly." she is lucky all we got was one punch to the mouth. I wanted to do so much more to her.

I snuggle up to Damien leaning my head on his shoulder. " I am sorry you got hit by your ex girlfriend, it's all my fault." I say quietly.

"Don't be silly, it's not your fault, next time she won't be so lucky".

I look up at him as he is looking at me and he hugs me tightly to him.

"I can feel your heart pounding."He whispers in my ears.

Before we could do anything else the limo stops and we hear a voice on the speaker "Boss we are here". I felt a little disappointed that we got disturbed. Damien steps down holding his hand out to help me out.

Once we make it inside Damien starts kissing me passionately in the living room. He spins me around to help me take off my necklace and places it on the table.

Before moving forward and doing anything, he spins me around making me face him again.

"Before moving forward I have a really serious question to ask you, he said to me making a straight serious face"

I got worried and asked him "What is that?"

What he told me next, had my jaw opening wide and my reaction to him was "WHAT?"


Hey guys, cliffhanger... hehe so what do you think Damien asked Cally that had her so worried and her jaw to open. Is it a bad news or the beginning of their future together?

Please let me know in your comments what do you think of this chapter and please vote vote and vote. I am hanging by a "loose thread" here and only your votes and comments can motivate me to write further. I hope you guys understand.

"Lots of love"


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