I'm writing a sequel!

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Yes! I have finally done it, thank you to everyone who has stayed around and kept up with this story.

I am currently writing the sequel to this story, it will be entitled Harry's Choice.

I realised after finishing this story that I completely neglected to let Harry get his revenge on the Dursley's (mainly Vernon) for their crimes.

This story will focus mainly on that but also show some other aspects of Harry's life, such as his relationship with Alula and struggles of dealing with the press.

The description:

Harry's killed Voldemort.

All the death eaters are in Azkaban.

Harry can just live a normal teenage life along with his girlfriend Alula, right?


The Dursley family are living peacefully.

Their freak of a nephew has gone of with some of his lot and Vernon's secret can stay under wraps.

That is until they hear a knock at the door one chilly autumn night.

Harry's always been told that people deserve a second chance.

But this is Harry's Choice!

And he's decided that some people can't be redeemed...

Warnings: mentions of past rape and abuse, swearing, slight bashing.



Please comment and let me know whether you like the idea!

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