The Worst

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Alula pov-

As soon as we entered the room Harry roughly pulled his arm away before going and sitting gracefully in the only armchair, leaving me to perch awkwardly on the sofa opposite. I studied his expression, the mask was back up but not as strong as usual. His eyebrows where slightly creased and I could see a certain tenseness in his otherwise neutral posture.

"I know what you want..." his musical tones startled me out of my thoughts "I think it would be easier to tell you if you didn't interrupt"

I felt his gaze on my face and looked up to meet his grassy pupils, but something was different.
They weren't closed of like usual.
They where open, honest and dare I say it...vulnerable.

I couldn't help but think he looked even more beautiful this way.

I managed to nod despite my rapid heart increase at the emotions displayed in his gorgeous emeralds.

He turned his gaze away from my face "around third year is when I started getting more attractive" he spat out the last word as if it where poison "well what most people find attractive anyway" he said this in a much lighter tone and waved dismissively. I couldn't help but wonder if anyone didn't find him attractive.

"Don't get me wrong people lusted after me before" he said this which a slight chuckle as if he were remembering an amusing event.
Almost instantly his face darkened and his voice turned merciless and cold "but before they could control themselves"

I failed to contain my gasp as my hands flew to my mouth, eyes wide with horror.

He didn't spare me a glance as he continued on brutally.
"I can take care of them at school" he flipped his wand around in his hand almost mockingly "but in the summer...I have no chance"

Understanding dawned on me and immediately my head snapped up, hoping against hope I was wrong.
He smiled back bitterly and this time he held my gaze "yes...apparently my uncle has always held a certain...fondness for youths."

Authors note-
Oooo I am evil....

Sorry for the cliff hanger I honestly didn't know what else I could put in this chapter to extend it.

Someone messaged me and asked if this was a twilight crossover and if Harry was a vampire.
I didn't really see it before but I can understand how my descriptions are similar to the ones of the Cullens, sadly I didn't make this a crossover. Sorry if this disappoints anyone.

Please can you review down below it is always easier to write stories with suggestions on how to improve or any ideas you might have to help the story progress.

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