Getting caught

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Alula pov-

I turned to see the ENTIRE FUCKING ORDER staring at us In shock.

I glanced behind them and saw the other teenagers watching to. My face immediately heated up until I was blushing a fiery red.
One glance at harry told me how normal this was for him, he didn't look at all embarrassed by the situation, despite the fact he was caught snogging in front of three professors one of which was the bloody headmaster. He was leaning casually on the same wall he had been passionately kissing me against earlier, and was now surveying the reactions with an amused glint in his eyes. His hair was even more tousled than usual but other than that nothing seemed of about him.

I turned to see most of the girls eyeing me with a certain jealousy and in ginny's case possessiveness displayed on their faces. At this I couldn't help but grin.

Harry bade the order one swift glance before turning to me "as fun as this has been it appears as thought we have outstayed our welcome." He flicked his eyes back over to the still watching adults pointedly "I should be upstairs doing homework anyway" and with that he had floated past the adults and out the room.

I gulped as I looked to my father and uncle.

I was momentarily speechless by the emotions displayed upon their faces, they seemed almost...smug.
I was positive dad was gonna go ballistic but apparently he has been hoping for this.

I shrugged of the absurdity of the situation before stuttering out and excuse and following Harry upstairs.

When I finally flopped on my bed only one thing mattered to me at that moment.

What does this mean?

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