The Daily Prophet

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The next day everyone in Britain received the mornings paper, all shocked by its contents.

On the front page there was a pensive memory of Harry's duel with Voldemort.


This morning found ministry officials shocked at the fact he who must not be named broke into the ministry.

Yes it's true, the dark lord had returned but was quickly destroyed by our very own boy who lived!

Minister fudge was unavailable for questioning when asked why he didn't come clean about you know who's return.

Harry Potter was seen by yours truly to be fighting Voldemort, and winning!

He easily fought against the most feared dark lord in history and destroyed him using a spell no one had heard before.

When asked Mr. Potter was quoted to say " it is a new spell I have just invented, it destroys a persons sole in a similar way to the dementors kiss, only it take away the sole of someone no matter where it is or what object it resides in. If anyone deserves that it was him."

That right folks Harry Potter invented a spell, according to his teachers he has always been magically gifted.

I like I'm sure many of you can't wait to see what the future holds for our handsome hero.

I am now speaking directly to Harry Potter if he is reading this, thank you sir I hope for you to follow your aspirations.
I along with everyone in the world are forever indebted to you for preventing another war.

By Rita Skeeter
Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):

*the eldest black brother
*Harry Potter Cullen (twilight crossover)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius
*Famous in both worlds
*is there more to the story
*wolfstar apart
*wolfstar discovered
*Harry's Slytherin queen
*The Order finds out about Harmony

These are all found on my profile and many have a characters read the books stories with them (including this one)

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