Ginny Weasleys claim

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Alula pov-

I happily skipped down the corridor towards gryffindor common room.
Every since me and Harry and kissed things had only got better.

The new teacher turned out to be a complete bitch!

We organised an illegal defence organisation with Harry leading it.
Despite his busy schedule he still makes time for me.

We have gone on several dates and they where all magnificent!

I really hope he asks me to be his girlfriend soon, he hasn't hooked up with anyone since we kissed but the fact that he could haunts me.

I pushed open the portrait hole after giving the password but froze at what I saw.

Harry was sitting on the sofa in the middle of the room...but he wasn't alone.

GINNY FUCKING WEASLEY was draped across his lap in a clear show of possessiveness.
She was heavily snogging him and...there was a picture on the table.

I snatched it up without caring how pathetic I probably looked in that moment, my eyes widened and a chocked sob escape me at its contents.

Ginny Weasley.

Clad in only underwear.

I rushed out the portrait hole, not waiting long enough to see Harry frantically push Ginny of.

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