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Alula pov-

Hi, my names Alula Black. I'm the daughter of Marlene Mickinnon and Sirius black but I was raised by my uncle Remus. You see my childhood wasn't exactly normal as my mother died giving birth to me leaving me in the care of my father. Everything was great for a year, until suddenly Dad was sent to Azkaban for something I KNOW he didn't do and I was sent to my godfather. No one was willing to care for me on full moons seeing as I was the daughter of a murder so I learnt to rely on my self only.

I was homeschooled due to my uncles constant job changes but now I'm finally back with my father. This year I'll be starting hogwarts and going into my fifth year. The only, thing I'm worried for are the guys, I'm naturally blessed with good looks and guys have always goggled at me wherever I go, it gets super annoying seeing as some just don't know when to back off. *sigh* I guess we'll see how things go.

I'm currently living at grimmuld place with my dad, I'm staying in uncle reggies room. The order is due to arrive any minute. I can't wait to meet everyone!

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