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Alula pov-
I woke up bright an early ready to use the ultimate power...puppy dog eyes.

I changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a skin tight blue AC/DC shirt with a leather jacket before heading downstairs for breakfast.

I barely noticed that the entire order and Weasley family where at the table as I made a direct root for my dad. Last year I had made my him take a couple of health potions in order to lessen the effects of Azkaban on his physical form. It worked better than expected and he now looks like he's never even seen a dementor. He has filled out nicely with rock solid muscles and a handsome face with features very similar to my own. I couldn't help but feel very smug at the results.

"Dad..." I started in a innocent tone as I wound my arms around his neck before plopping onto his lap.
He looked down at me and sighed already guessing that I was after something. I registered the fact that conversation at the table had stopped in order to hear the exchange.
"Yes Lulu" I smiled at the affectionate nickname before continuing on with my task.
"Well dad..." he raised an eyebrow at me in question so I decided to just a spit it out "could I please go with the order to get Harry Potter dearest dad".
He sighed as if this is what he was dreading me to ask (which it probably was)
"Lulu honey it's to dangerous I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt"he explained in a gentle voice that clearly shocked the order as they where used to his headstrong and confident personality.
"Please Dad I haven't been outside in ages and I'll be good I promise" I put on my puppy dog eyes and knew he would relent soon seeing as he could never refuse me when I looked so helpless.
"Please sweetheart don't look at me like that" dad pleaded. Once again you could see the expressions of utter shock all present at the table wore as they watched the usually stubborn man crumble under the gaze of his daughter.
Finally he cracked.
"Ok honey you can go but please promise me you'll be safe" he said with utter defeat present on his face.
"Ok I promise!" I said with a beaming smile as I practically bounced out of his lap
"Thanks dad" I pressed a kiss to his cheek before skipping out the room.

No ones POV-
The table was cracking up after Alula left. The twins had filled of the their seats and had started rolling on the floor crying tears of laughter. Hermione was giggling and failing miserably at hiding it behind a paper napkin. Remus was chucking at his friends predicament "she's got you wrapped tightly around her finger Padfoot" he said with a grin as he patted Sirius shoulder sympathetically.
Dumbledore's eyes where twinkling in amusement and even Snapes lips where twitching whilst McGonagall tried to stifle her giggles.

Sirius just crossed his arms childishly and huffed but everyone could see the glimmer of laughter shinning in his stormy eyes.

A/N: I edited this chapter a bit but not much...

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