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Alula pov-

It was currently dinner time in the great hall, I kept on glancing up at Harry there my lashes.
He seemed tense seeing that I was so close to him but I'd had enough.

"Harry..." I began, I was pleased to see all his attention immediately snap to me "meet me at the astronomy tower after dinner" without giving him a chance to reply I had got up and left the great hall.


I sat staring out at the stars.

I was shivering slightly in the cold winter air, mentally cursing myself for forgetting my cloak I rapped my arms around my body.

Lost in thought I didn't hear him approaching.

I was cut of my musing with a start as I felt a coat be dropped onto my shoulders.

Looking up in confusion, my stormy eyes where captured by tender green "you'll freeze"

He sat languidly down next to me, clearly waiting for me to speak first.

Nervously pulling the fabric tighter around me I stuttered out my question "why are you ignoring me?"

He turned slightly as he replied "I have never felt this way before"

Confused I muttered "felt what way?"

"Every girl I've ever been with has only been for fun but you...I actually care about you" he said this as if the feeling was Foreign "I have gained an...attraction to you" here he paused "I was unsure how to continue but I think I know now"

I quickly snapped my gaping mouth shut, my breathing was shallow as I breathlessly asked "and what is that?" I was stuttering uncontrollably as he leaned closer "do you want this?" His breath ghosted over my mouth as his voice became huskier.

I nodded mutely as I felt warm lips take mine in a tender kiss.

Ok I'm really sorry I haven't been posting much but I hope this chapter makes up for it.

I'm really sorry I kind of rushed through the school year as it's now almost Christmas but it just felt like the best thing to do.

Please review

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