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Alula pov-

I lay in my bed, absently staring up at the ceiling trying to arrange my thoughts.

Dad has just left after telling me what Harry said, I know he has a reason to be angry but still...it hurt.

Sighing audibly I brought back the memories of Harry, his laughter, the way his eyes light up when he smiles, the wink he frowns my way that has me weak at the knees...everyone that just makes him Harry.

I know I've been thinking about him a lot lately but I had a lot of things to work out.

When I first met him, he was hot.

When I got to know him, he was sweet.

I let out a huff of air as I remembered I wasn't the only one interested in Harry, I wasn't the only one admiring him.


I had a mission.

And I was going to complete it.

The subject of my thoughts knocked me over, I looked up to see a very apologetic and slightly red faced Cho Chang peering down at me.

She tucked a strand of glossy black hair behind her ear, concern shining in her sapphire eyes.

"I'm so sorry...I god you probably hate me now" she was rambling and frantically trying to apologise at the same time.

In a way it was amusing, pushing the thought aside I smiled gently and said "honestly don't worry about it, I was actually looking for you"

She turned her confused gaze over to me "why we've never spoken before" she gave a slightly nervous laugh at the end.

"No...but I've noticed something about you"

The confused expression increased tenfold as she knitted her eyebrows together in obvious distress at my vagueness.

"It's about Harry" I noticed her tense slightly at his name and immediately vile thoughts entered my head.

Maybe he hurt her.

Maybe she rejected him and he took what he wanted.

Maybe he...

I shook myself slightly as horror filtered in.

Did I honestly think that low of him?

Was I becoming like everyone else and stereotyping him for his looks alone?

Deciding it was best to carry on I continued "you don't seem as smitten with him as every other girl"

She breathed a sigh of relief and looked as if a weight had been taken of her shoulders before turning sad and casting her gaze to the floor "I used to" she kicked moodily at the ground as if it was a painful topic.

I was about to continue before she suddenly launched into her story, talking at a rapid pace I thought only possible for Hermione.

"I was falling for him despite the fact I was dating Cedric Diggory, in his third year I tried to jump him after a quidditch game. I corned him in the locker room and tried to convince him to take me...take my virginity but he declined"

I quickly went over everything she had said in my head before I snapped my gaze to hers "he declined..." it seemed almost foreign that the sex god of hogwarts would say no to the drop dead gorgeous girl standing in front of me.

She gave me a watery smile "yes, he said he would never do that to someone...someone in a relationship. I believe his exact words where 'I wouldn't like it if someone fucked my girlfriend, why should I do that to him?' Harry may be a slut but he has good morals. He opened my eyes to the world. When I said I would break up with Cedric for him he showed me everything that made Cedric well...Cedric. He showed me why I shouldn't judge on looks alone, he...he helped me find myself again"

She was crying silently by the time she was done "he cares about you" she said it in a whisper but I heard it plain and clear as id she was screaming in my ear "he's a great guy...I once saw him take a homeless kid out to dinner..." she adopted a glazed expressions as if remembering a long buried memory before shaking herself back to reality "he just...hides it well. It think it's a form of self Defense honestly" I looked up and met her honest gaze unflinchingly "don't hurt him...he's already lost to much"

And with that she turned and left leaving me in the otherwise deserted corridor.

⚡️End Flashback⚡️

I buried my face in a pillow and cried silently.

The one thing I wished not to do I had done.

I had hurt Harry Potter.

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