Harry vs Death Eaters

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Harry blasted a masked death eater out of his way effortlessly.

He was striding purposely through the ministry, magic swirling around him inspiring fear in anyone who saw the impressive display.

He silently fumed about his friends forcing their way into the battle whilst making his way across the hall.

He had told them to stay at Hogwarts and now they were each loosing to their respective partners...badly.

He Wandlessly stunned the death eater about to kill Hermione and shook his head in disappointment.

Sure he knew his friends meant well but he could handle any death eater easier then that could, and he was honestly getting exhausted at having to save them constantly.

He heard the telltale sign of a floo flaring to life and didn't know whether to be relived or exasperated when he saw the order materialising within the green flames.

Rolling his eyes at the time it took them to actually get fighting he busied himself with nocking out the death eater that was currently irking him.

"How are you so good at this?" Nymphadora panted as she struggled to keep her shield effective against the constant spell fire.

"Practise" was Harry's clipped reply as he easily blasted the offending man across the room.

The order stared, stunned as Harry easily dealt with the attackers.

Before anyone knew it there was a pile of limp bodies splayed out around the boy-who-lived's feet.

Said boy glanced at the remains uncaringly before busing himself with his shirt that seemed to have become slightly wrinkled throughout the fight.

"Killed 20 stunned 30"

Everyone gaped as his blatant response before following him out to the main hall where they where met with an unpleasant sight.

Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):

*the eldest black brother
*Harry Potter Cullen (twilight crossover)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius
*Famous in both worlds
*is there more to the story
*wolfstar apart
*wolfstar discovered
*Harry's Slytherin queen
*The Order finds out about Harmony

These are all found on my profile and many have a characters read the books stories with them (including this one)

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