Harry vs Voldemort

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Voldemort was standing in the auditorium, his snake like face glistening with pure hatred when his villainous red eyes fell upon Harry's breathtaking form.

"Harry Potter" Voledmort hissed, paying no notice to the order members or the ministry officials now arriving via floo.

Harry inclined his head in something akin to a greeting, a smirk playing across his perfect lips.

"Come to die..." Voldemort was moving forwards now, his black robes billowing out in a manner not unlike a certain potions professor.

"Come to fight" was Harry's sharp rebuttal as he raised his wand, ready for the battle sure to take place.

Voldemort grinned a malicious grin, madness shiny from every molecule of his being "avada kadav-"

He was cut of by a strong stream of lightning flying out of Harry's outstretched palm hitting him in the chest.

He was flung backwards, crashing to the floor in an undignified heap.

No one made a sound, all in awe of the pure power Harry held over magic.

Said boy strolled forwards, looking just as unruffled as he did everyday.

He lent down to look at Voldemort but spoke in a clear voice for all to hear "this ends tonight..."

For the first time in his life Voldemort felt true fear, even Dumbledore couldn't inspire this in him.
But here was a boy with enough power to take him down, and from the looks of things he had no qualms about killing.

Harry swept around gracefully, his steps purposeful as he carefully mapped out 2 meters "I believe you gave me a chance to duel last time we met so I shall extend the same curtesy"

His face was mocking as he raised his wand at the now upright form of lord Voldemort.

The crowd watched in awe as they traded spells. All where increasingly advanced and Voldemort seemed to be tiring...but Harry hadn't broken a sweat.

His face had remained an impassive mask as he carelessly flicked his wand, never even muttering an incarnation.

Suddenly Harry rolled his eyes, appearing to have had enough with what to him was meaningless spell fire.

"omnis anima ex vobis non scindet te extrahere ubicumque lateat Alijs"

The spell that flew out of his wand was mesmerising, it was unlike anything anyone and seen before.

It appeared to be pearlescent and glittered with to many colours for the human eye to count.

As it impacted its target Voldermort let out a mighty roar of pain before collapsing to the floor lifeless, his body crumbling into dust.

Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):

*the eldest black brother
*Harry Potter Cullen (twilight crossover)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius
*Famous in both worlds
*is there more to the story
*wolfstar apart
*wolfstar discovered
*Harry's Slytherin queen
*The Order finds out about Harmony

These are all found on my profile and many have a characters read the books stories with them (including this one)

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