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No ones pov-

Harry moodily stabbed at his food.

It was currently Christmas and he was at grimmuld place.

Ever since alula had seen Harry and Ginny snogging she had been avoiding him.

He really wished he could talk to her and explain himself...but honestly he felt he needed a bit of an explanation as well.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when Sirius spoke "Alula had been off for a few days...she says you guys had a fooling out" Harry quickly realised conversation had ceased and they where the main source of entertainment "she says she really wants to talk to you about it."

Harry felt a bubbling rage fuel him, like lava running through his veins.

First she ignores him, then she gets her bloody father to talk him like their some five year olds with a crush.


He decided if she wanted to talk to him, she would have to quit moping and get to explaining.

With that in mind Harry turned back to the conversation at hand.

"If she wants to talk to me she can come get me" the comment came out colder than he wanted and he knew his mask was slowly sliding back into place.

"Harry..." Sirius began hesitantly

"No!" He slammed his fork on the table and stood up causing many to jump "she has been ignoring me for days on end, goes and snogs a guy after she wouldn't let me explain myself and then has the audacity to get you to fight her battles"

Harry was striding purposely towards the door not sparing a glance back at the shocked faces of the order.

"Tell her that that when she quits pitying herself tell her to find me" at this he turned round and scanned them with a cold glare "alone"

With that Harry strode out of the kitchen, the door slamming behind him.

Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)Where stories live. Discover now