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Alula signed in contentment before snuggling into the rock hard chest bellow her.

She felt the arms on her waist tighten in response and looked up to see Harry beautiful emeralds gazing down at her.

He kissed her forehead gently before nuzzling into her neck.

Alula felt his breath ghost over her shoulder blade as he spoke "I love you"

Alula froze in shock before a beaming smile fitted itself across her face "I love you to"

They lay like that for hours both content in each others company, knowing everything was alright.

Wondering what their life could bring next.

I'm very sorry to say that this is the end of this story...

I might do a sequel if a lot of you want one so please comment whether that would be a good idea.

Thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed this story and I hope that you'll read some of my others


Hp stories (includes crossovers):

*the eldest black brother
*Harry Potter Cullen (twilight crossover)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius
*Famous in both worlds
*is there more to the story
*wolfstar apart
*wolfstar discovered
*Harry's Slytherin queen
*The Order finds out about Harmony

These are all found on my profile and many have a characters read the books stories with them (including this one)

Please review...

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