Meeting the Order

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I heard the door open and the unmistakable tones of my grandmother so decided to go down stair and see what the problem was.
Making my way down the stairs I realised there was a sea if redheads at the bottom and that my dad was currently trying to close the still shrieking portrait of his mother. "FILTH MUDBLOOD HALF-BREAD IN THE HOME OF MY FATHERS... oh hello Alula dear how are you doing today?" Immediately I had every eye on me. "I'm doing fine today grandma and I'm really sorry but we must close up your portrait for now" I said tentatively not willing to anger the problematic painting "completely understandable dear" and with that the curtains leaving her in view where shut.
"Thank you sweetheart we've been trying to shut her up for ages" said dad as he slipped and arm around my waist in a half hug " still don't know why she likes you so much..." he pondered. I shrugged and turned expectantly to the still watching mass of people.
Sirius, noting my gaze, immediately jumped to action pulling his arm away from my waist and rubbing his hands together " everyone this is my daughter Alula" absolute silence followed until a plump pumpkin haired women shrieked " SIRIUS who on earth did you accidentally have this child with and why is she not with her mother" I felt Dad tense beside me and decided to get the facts straight " I'm sorry mrs..." i inquired politely "mrs Weasley" she huffed as though the answer should be obvious " right mrs Weasley my parents where actually engaged when my mother gave birth to me and she died years ago" I said with a slightly dangerous edge to my voice.
Awkward silence followed until dad decided to break it " ok everyone fell free to make yourself at home and Alula dear this is the Weasley family and the order of the Phoenix".

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