Welcome to headquarters

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Alula pov-
As soon as uncle Remus and Harry disappeared upstairs the atmosphere immediately changed. Chatter broke out "I thought he would look like James, you know scrawny and short but that... oh wow"
Tonks was fanning herself "forget the age gap he could get it"
"Tonks!" Moody snapped in aggravation
"What? it's the truth" she continued shamelessly as they all gossiped about his body.
I rolled my eyes before frowning realising this is probably what happened when I exited a room.

Suddenly there was a bang from the top of the stairs and uncle Remus and Harry came down pulling the trunk with them. I couldn't help but stare at Harry's defined arms where the muscles where flexing due to the weight of the trunk. I looked around and realised I wasn't the only one interested in that aspect of his upper body.

I heard a loud throat clearing and looked to see Harry quirking an eyebrow in amusement at us, causing blushes to appear on almost every face.

"Right we best get going then"uncle Remus said with a slight twitch to his lips.
"If you can't Apparate grab onto someone who can and be quick about it" Mad Eye growled.

I held onto Tonks whilst Harry stayed with Remus much to the other females displeasure.

I felt like I was being squeezed through a keyhole before we landed with a pop outside headquarters.

"Welcome, Harry to 12 Grimmuld place."

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