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Alula pov-

That night I cornered Harry in the spare drawing room and started towards him.

He raised a perfectly crafted elegant eyebrow at me in question as he carelessly leaned against the side table.
I gulped audibly and couldn't stop my eyes from roaming over his inviting form.

An amused smirk appeared on his aristocrats features as he floated forwards until his lips brushed my ear.

"Is there a reason you needed me or...could you not control yourself any longer" his voice was husky as his breath sent tingles down my neck causing me to shiver pleasantly.
His smirk widened as he took a step back and observed me.

"Who are you..."
he seemed confused as if this question was completely out of the blue.
"I'm Harry Pott..."
" i, know that... it's just your...hard to figure out..." I stuttered uncontrollably as I tried to get my voice under control
"Figure out?" There was something hard in his voice, a dangerous edge I thought impossible coming from such a magnificent creature.
"Your...your dangerous..." I decided to just be blunt "something about you is different...your past..."
Before I could even blink my face was forced up and I was staring into hateful green eyes. I had long since excepted the fact I had a massive crush on the man before me, but I didn't expect the knife that plunged into my heart at the look coming from the god I obsessed over to be so brutal.
"Don't talk about what you don't understand" he commanded as he violently turned his back on me and grabbed the door so forcefully that it slammed against the wall causing a tear to appear in the paper covering.

"Always remember what or who you are" he stood in the doorway looking absolutely petrifying "and your just a naive little girl born with a silver spoon in her mouth trying to understand the harsh reality of life"

With that he left the room.

Alula knew one thing for certain...Harry Potter wasn't just dangerous.
He was dark, he was powerful,he was hazardous,and above all

He was broken.

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