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I sat in my bed.

I was back at hogwarts after the disaster with Harry.

I knew what he was saying was true and I'm glad he stopped me.

Signing I raked a hand through my unbrushed raven locks before slipping out of bed and padding my way to the common room.

I saw a messy head of hair turn when I entered and was greeted with the beauty that was Harry's eyes.

He smiled a calm smile whilst patting the seat next to him.

I sat down hesitantly before blurting out "I'm sorry"

He simply looked at me and I almost stopped breathing at the understanding that shone from within his emerald globes.

He wrapped a warm arm around my waist before pulling me closer and lightly kissing my head "I don't blame you"

I looked up and somehow I knew he knew.

He knew I loved him.

He knew I lost control.

He knew me.

"In fact I've been wanting to ask you something"

His voice broke me out of my thoughts as I turned confused eyes onto his angelic face.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

My breath caught in my throat a as I choked out a "yes"

Snuggling deeper into his comforting warmth, I sighed in contentment letting my eyes win the loosing battle of sleep.

Safe in the knowledge that Harry would protect me if harm comes my way.


Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):

*the eldest black brother
*Harry Potter Cullen (twilight crossover)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius
*Famous in both worlds
*is there more to the story
*wolfstar apart
*wolfstar discovered
*Harry's Slytherin queen
*The Order finds out about Harmony

These are all found on my profile and many have a characters read the books stories with them (including this one)

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