The Sorting

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Alula pov-

I nervously entered the hall and instantly felt everyone eyes fall onto me.

"We have a new student his year, her name is Alula Black" instant mutters followed this sentence and I noticed many where looking at me in pure fear "she will be joining fifth year and it is time for her to be sorted" Dumbledore continued as if there was no interruption.

I briefly realised I was the only one left meaning the first years had already been put into their houses.

I glanced at the gryffindor table on my way up to the front of the hall and almost choked on my saliva.

Harry was staring at me.

I could see the way his pupils followed my every move and I realised I loved the intensity they had when they where focused solely on me.
I glanced around the hall and saw most of the female population staring at him, lust evident in their eyes.

I briefly wondered if he could have some Veela heritage but was broken from that thought by my arrival at the stall.

I gingerly sat down as the brim of the hat fell over my eyes, obscuring my vision of the rest of the hall.

'Ahhh you are difficult'
I clenched my eyes shut 'gryffindor, gryffindor, gryffindor' I chanted in my mind
'oh but you would fit in so well in ravenclaw' it replied seemingly amused
'but wait...what's this ahhhh a certain boy has caught your fancies' I heard it chuckle in my ear 'not to worry I was already debating between gryffindor and just made the choice easier'

Then the hat lifted its brim and spoke for the hall to hear

"Better be...GRYFFINDOR"

I'm really sorry but I will not be able to post as much as usual next week.

My school work has really caught up on me but I will be back to my usual post schedule soon.

For all my Wolfstar shippers I have just posted a new story called 'Wolfstar discovered' so please check it out on my profile (it is completed)

Please review

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