Arriving at number 4 Privet Drive and meeting HIM

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Alula pov (3 days later)
I  am currently waiting with a selected group of the order outside number 4 privet drive. I've seen Muggle houses before and I must admit this is the worst one yet. It's to...perfect.
Everything's immaculate. Freshly trimmed trees, recently cut grass, fresh painted shed. All in all it's somewhere I would never want to live.
When we get inside the house it's exactly as perfect as the inside. It's sicking...

I hear a creek from the stair and turn my head. That's when I saw HIM. Harry freaking Potter in all his glory.

He glides in like a god arriving from the heavens with such grace a classical dancer would be jealous.
His eyes are as green and bright as emeralds especially pronounced against his porcelain unblemished skin, besides for the white lightning scar hidden by messy hair that seemed to defy the laws of gravity with a constant just been shagged look I know all girls love. His face is angular and perfect in every way possible but unlike the house in which he resides the sight of him doesn't sicken me. He's beautiful in a manly sort of way.
He's wearing a tight black shirt showing of the lean muscular chest underneath, he paired this with some blue jeans that fit in all the right places. His black trainers are slightly scuffed but that's the only thing wrong with him on the whole.

A collective sigh went around the room from all the females besides myself seeing as I knew better than to judge people based of their looks, I get enough people doing that to me as it is.

His expression remains neutral despite the fact that every female (and a fem males) are blatantly checking him out, leaving me to believe that this is not a rare occurrence. Only I can see the hidden exasperation within his emerald eyes at the gesture.

Uncle Remus steps forward with his wand raised "what creature was in my classroom the first time Harry Potter visited my office"
Harry just stands there with a calculating look in his green orbs as he considers the man before him "a grindylow in a tank" he answers his voice musical and exactly as attractive as the rest of him.

"It's him" uncle Remus said as he turns to moody "oh and Harry before I forget this is Emmaline Vance, Sophia cantos, Milne Rogers, Kennedy Smith, Becky winter, Dedalus Diggle, Nymphadora (don't call me that!) Tonks, mad eye moody and Alula Black."
Harry nods to each person in greeting when there name are called until he stops short at mine "black?" He questions, there was nothing malicious in his voice just pure curiosity "I'm Sirius Blacks daughter" I explained with a grin.
He nods in understanding and gives me a small smile in return "i hope your as insane as your father" he says with a fond grin.
I beam back "oh don't worry I'm worse" I exclaimed with a wink.
He gives a soft chuckle that seems to reverberate around the room in a perfect harmony and nods in my direction amusement clear in his gem like pupils "looking forward to it".

"Is your trunk upstairs?" Uncle Remus inquired also appearing to be amused by our exchange "yep I'll go get it now" Harry replies with a knee weakening grin "nonsense" moony scoffed "I'll help you with it" and with that they disappeared up the stairs.

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