Getting personal

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No ones pov-

It was the day before hogwarts when Harry was called for a meeting.

He arrived downstairs to see the entire household including the order sitting at the table waiting for him.
He raised a perfectly crafted eyebrow at them before languidly flowing into the only remaining seat.

"Harry...we have some concerns about your...sexual habits" Sirius tried to explain nicely although his embarrassment was clear.
Harry didn't appear at all bothered as he replied in a collected tone "oh, what brought this on?" The question was innocent but the suggestion hidden in his musical tones caused most females to flush a vibrant pink.

"It has come to my attention that your at hogwarts"

Harry shot Ron a glare to which he held his hands up in surrender before plastering on an innocent expression.
"Now I don't want to make this anymore awkward than it has to be but...are you a virgin" Sirius finished bluntly.

Harry surveyed them all calmly before finally replying


Instantly most adults stiffened whilst some teens just looked speechless, their mouths agape.
"Harry....when?" No one needed to question what Sirius meant as he continued on in a much harder tone of voice.

Alula sharply looked at Harry...she knew they weren't discussing his uncle,and hurt...she wanted to be with Harry. Be special to him, not just another one of his fan girls turned whores who slept around for the fun of having Harry Potter take their innocence.
No, she wanted to be with Harry...the boy no MAN she loved.

Her guarded expression was lost in the see of outrage( all the adults) or proud( the teens) faces.

"Who" the question was practically growled as Sirius clenched his fists on this table in front of him

" you want a list?"

This question was met with absolute silence as every eye bore into the teen still sitting languidly in his chair, some faces showed betrayal or hurt whilst most just looked shocked and a little revolted at what was occurring in hogwarts.

"Harry..." Sirius began before he was interrupted with Harry getting out of his chair and striding gracefully towards the door.

"I'm the schools slut baby, get used to it" and with that the door swung shut leaving an emotional hurricane in its wake.
Oooooo saucy!

Ok soooo Harry is a slut.
But that doesn't mean he is going to cheat on Alula when they eventually get together.

Think of it as Harry's form of self defence.
To stop people from talking to him he will sleep with them so that whenever they think of him they don't pay much attention to his past.


Love you guys!
Thank you soooo much for the support this story has been getting!
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