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Remember this is NOT A SMUT. There will be items when it may look like they might have sex in this chapter but it will not be explicit.

Alula pov-

I grinned as I slipped into the tight bodied corset.

It was incredibly skimpily and completely inappropriate for a fifteen year old to be wearing but I didn't care.

I wanted to go all the way with Harry.

Our relationship had progressed beautifully throughout the last couple days.

It was a few days before Christmas and I wanted to make the holidays extra special for Harry.

Although he had never mentioned sex between the two of us it had been all I had been able to thinks about.

I heard a soft knock on the door and grinned knowing it was Harry.

I immediately granted him entry and turned around in anticipation for his actions.

I stopped short when I saw his mask slide back over his face.

"Alula what do you think your wearing?"

The question was sharp and clipped but I chugged ahead, waiting for my release.

"I thought I would give you and early Christmas present"

I immediately expected a kiss or a grope but was surprised when nothing physical came.


Glancing up in shock I met his cold eyes.

"I care for you Alula and that's why I'm not going to let you give your virginity away so freely"

Looking at him desperately I pleaded "it would be with you. I don't want to be with anyone else, only you"

He shook his head and I couldn't help but notice that his eyes hadn't scanned my body once.

They had stayed staring straight ahead at my face, not every gracing me with a glance.

"I want you to give it to the man you love when your both ready, when your not underage"

I felt boiling rage erupt in my veins 'that hypocrite'

"You weren't underage!"

I immediately regretted what I'd said...he didn't have a choice.

I saw him stiffen at he comment but he chose to ignore it.

"My time wasn't special and if we are still together in time then we can do it...but not now"

I saw his eyes silently pleading with me to let the matter drop.

"Alula I don't want you to become a horny slut...your different from every other girl I've met and by doing what your doing your conforming"

His voice took on a desperate edge.

"Please think about it"

And with that he was gone.

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