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Alula pov-

Before i knew it the rest of the summer had flown by.

Harry's trial went relatively smoothly;Dumbledore managed to secure a witness and luckily, harry got cleared of all charges.

We still have our nighttime chats but seeing as all of Harry's emotional baggage has been unpacked, we started to get to know each other.

I'm noticing a big change in Harry's moods and I think everyone else is to.

Sadly I can't  look at Harry now without blushing. I now he finds it odd and I often see him glancing at me with a questioning gleam in his eyes.

I also see the hurt every time I leave a room to avoid extra encounters, but...I couldn't help it.

I mean...
What do you say to a guy who has literally every girl chasing after him.

What do you say to a guy who you just met but now know more than his closest friends do about.

What do you say to Harry Bloody Potter.

What do you say to a guy you've completely fallen in love with.

The sad thing is...I can't tell you.

I haven't said a single word to him since I discovered my feelings.

Our nighttime 'chats' include stargazing and Harry telling one life threatening story after another.


He's told  me everything that's happened in his school life, and for that...I'm greatfull.

I know he does it to get it off his chest...and I know it hurts how I'm basically ignoring him but...

I need time.

In time I hope he will understand.

In time I hope I can gaze at him without feeling heat rise in my cheeks.

In time I hope to be with him, in more ways than one.

But I just need time...

Ok and that's a wrap!

Soooo this was basically a filler chapter (plz don't kill me) and I may or may not have just realised that I completely neglected Harry's trial sooooo yea.

Ok I just really didn't feel like writing out Harry trial so imagine it the same as the cannon.

I just wanna give a quick shoutout to @Harrypotterfinatic1
They have been supporting me since the beginning of the story and for that I love you.

Don't worry they will be at hogwarts soon.

Please review so I know how to improve my writing and make it more enjoyable for the reader.

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