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Alula POV-

The next day I set myself a goal.

Talk to Harry.

Shouldn't be that hard right?

It appears that after he managed to slip away last night he's been avoiding me.
But I wasn't going to take this lying down.

Dinner came faster than I expected so I situated myself in the usual seat of being directly opposite to Harry (much to most females annoyance). He glanced at me before quickly averting his eyes and muttering a quick greeting, instantly I frowned. Harry always turns all his attention to me as soon as dinner starts. I always treasured the moment I could gaze into his magnificent face with him doing the same only to my completely average one.
I loved the way his emeralds lit up with laughter when I said something amusing and the elegant chuckle that always followed. I loved watching all females scowl at how close I was able to get to him. I could practically see smoke coming out of Ginnys ears every time I would 'accidentally' brush my fingers along Harry's defined bicep.

And to be honest I missed it...

Harry had been ignoring me for less than a day and I was already cracking.

I vowed to corner him after dinner.

After dinner-

Harry quickly made to rush out the room as soon as the plates had been put away but I stopped him.
"Harry I need to show you something" I said innocently batting my eyelashes in what I hoped was an inviting way
"I'm really sorry alula but I have somewhere else to be" I recognised the coldness in his voice from the earlier night and inwardly winced.

"Now Harry I'm sure it won't take long. Alula can show you it quickly." I looked towards the speaker and saw my dad winking at me, mirth shining in his stormy eyes.

Many females went to protest but I had already grabbed Harry's muscular arm and was hauling him to the lounge.

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