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Alula pov-

I breathed in deeply, trying to calm my aching nerves, hand posed to knock at the silent door.

I was currently standing outside Harry's bedroom.

I need to apologise and I hope that he can forgive me...I realised how much I depended on him in his absence.

I craved the warmth his company provided and I was willing to fight for it back.

Letting out the breath I had only just realised I was holding I knocked on the quiet door.

"Come in"

I almost shivered at his angelic voice only just realising the voice I had been imagining was far of...a mere echo of what were his musical tones.

It was a smooth and sweet as honey.

I suddenly felt braver.

His voice had calmed me without meaning to.

I gently pushed open and into his room.

He was sat draped across his bed in a display of casual elegance I know only he could manage, a book propped against his left knee as he ideally flicked through the pages.

My breath caught in my throat at the sight of him.

He was even more handsome than I remembered.

His inky black locks where much clearer than the foggy memory I always managed to bring up when imagining him, his eyes the sharp emerald green I had come to treasure, his body exactly as perfect as before.

Utterly gorgeous.

I realised I had been staring when he looked up and quirked an eyebrow at me in question.

I hastily sat at the foot of his bed and was surprised by the cold expression this caused.

I know if I had gone anywhere near his room before it would have been the cause of a great deal of smirks and sky comments.

But now...nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

His expression was closed.


Shaking myself away from these thoughts I hastily cared on.

"I'm sorry..." I was talking in barely a whisper, my head bowed, afraid to look up into his distrusting eyes.

"I was a complete and utter Bitch, I didn't let you explain yourself. I was throwing myself around like a common hoe. I played with your feelings. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you."

I didn't realise I had been ranting until I felt a soft finger press against my lips, efficiently silencing me.

Looking up I met his caring eyes and my heart skipped a beat at the look of pure forgiveness shinning through them.

"I'm sorry to"

And with that he pressed his lips to mine.

The kiss was gentle and dare I think it...loving.

I immediately melted into him and wound my hands in his ebony locks.

Knowing we would be okay.

Knowing I had my man back.

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