Learning to trust

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Alula POV-

My thoughts kept me up well into the night, I decided to head downstairs for a glass of water In hopes of soothing my nerves.

I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and reached for the sink. I immediately stopped when I glanced out the window.
There was a figure sitting gracefully on the lawn of the garden. I could only make out his silhouette but I still knew who it was, my breath caught in my throat as he glanced my way. Despite the darkness surrounding us his face seemed to shine, as if the light was attracted to him in the same way I was. He gave me a small smile and beckoned me over.

I immediately obliged, almost automatically. For some reason the thought of angering this gorgeous specimen of a man made my very skin crawl. I hated the memory of loathing displayed in his brilliant emeralds and had tried to bury it in my mind; hoping to never see it again.

In that moment I knew I would do anything Harry Potter wanted in order for him to forgive me.

By the time I had reached him and situated my self into a comfortable position, he had already turned so I had a clear view of his side profile. He appeared to be scanning the horizons, I could see his pupils moving smoothly, tracing the outlines of constellations and focusing on the brightest stars.

I let my eyes gaze over his square jaw and high cheekbones before signing inaudibly, wondering again how such beauty was allowed to remain on earth.

'God is such a bitch, he always has favourites'

I was broken out of my thoughts and realised I had been pouting, I quickly changes my expression, however he didn't seem to notice.

"I apologise for earlier" his tone was business like and it pained me to hear such a dismissive statement coming from my crush "I shouldn't have said those things to you, I lost my temper and lashed out. it was...improper."
He hadn't glanced in my direction since he started speaking, but I knew his attention was focused on me. His eyes had stopped mapping the surroundings and where now fixed on a still point ahead.

"I..." i faltered unsure what to say "it isn't your fault, in fact it was a bit of an eye opener if I'm honest" my voice quivered and I cursed myself mentally for that small fact "I want to help you. I know we barely know each other but... there's something about you" I paused and was glad to see there was no reaction whether it be positive or negative from the male beside me "I heard talking helps loosen painful events. If you ever want to try that...I won't tell a soul" I gave a small chuckle "besides I already figured out something was wrong. It would probably be easier speaking to me than telling a completely different person."

I saw his lips twitch slightly before a sigh escaped him.
For the first time since our conversation started he turned to me and looked deeply in my eyes "your...unique" I was glad to hear that the business like tone was gone from his honey sweet voice "I think i could benefit from talking about it..." suddenly his voice got harder and I saw his eyes darken slightly "but if you tell anyone..." the threat was there and I understood perfectly "I'm unsure why but I...trust you. And don't be fooled...I don't trust easily"

I swallowed "not even Ron or Hermione?" I questioned. It seemed almost foreign to me that such mistrust could come from barley knowing somebody. I winced inwardly at another difference found between us.

He gave a hollow laugh "no...they have proved somewhat of a...liability" I barley stifled my gasp. It always seemed that they where so close "now don't misunderstand me" he continued pointedly ignoring my shocked expression "they're good people but...they don't understand me...no one really does" he gazed at me with such intensity it made my heart flutter and my stomach flip "except for you."

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