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Alula POV-

That night I lay in bed wide awake.
Harry was so damaged,
So broken,
So tormented,
So abused,


When I first met him I felt an instant pull towards him.
If I'm being honest, it was probably his looks that attracted me to begin with.

But then he became a mystery.

I was fascinated with the way his eyes held a deep emotion, unplayable yet...strangely recognisable.

I loved hearing about his home life.
Don't get me wrong...I hated the abuse, but it meant he trusted me.
With each story he told, it proved how much of a fighter he was.

He saw Voldemort return.
He competed in the Triwizard tournament.
He was raped by his own uncle...continuously
He was abused and locked in a cupboard from a young age.


He's alive, he's always come out on top.

He was absolutely beautiful...on the inside and out.

And that's when I realised the truth...

I'm completely and irreversibly in love with Harry Bloody Potter.

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